Thomas Rotherham College A Level results

More than 700 students at Thomas Rotherham College received their results by email this week as the college was not open as usual for them to be collected in person.

A TRC spokesperson said: “We are proud of the many achievements of our students. Individually and as a year group, they have overcome almost unimaginable challenges and it is testimony to their commitment and determination that so many of them have been so handsomely rewarded today.”

TRC’s top students include Steven Cheshire, who is heading to Oxford University to read philosophy, politics and economics after notching up A*s in economics, philosophy, further maths and French.

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Classmate Goda Zabitaite (pictured) achieved three A*s and has Sheffield and New Zealand in her sights.

The 18-year-old achieved the highest grade possible in maths, biology and chemistry.

She will now go on to study biomedical science at the University of Sheffield, which will include a study year abroad in New Zealand.

“I was definitely shocked — I expected less,” added Goda, who said she had missed the experience of picking up her results in-person with her peers.

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“All of this academic year has mainly been online,” she added. “The teachers did a very good job of teaching online with the resources they had been given.

“Of course, it comes down to your own mental strength and being able to turn up to these classes that are just outside of your bed.”

Fellow TRC student Evie Shore aims to be a clinical psychologist after performing better than expected.

She picked up As and A*s in psychology, English literature and EPQ (Extended Project Qualification).

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Evie will now go on to study an integrated masters in psychology at the University of Leeds, which includes a year in industry.

“I was really pleased,” Evie said. 

“It was a bit of a shock really — I didn’t expect to do as well.”

Here is the full roll of honour, listed alphabetically with their number of passes:


Imran Omar Abdalla 3, Umra Omar Abdalla 3, Hafsa Adeel 3, Alfie Ahmad 3, Ekram Ahmed 3, Kainaat Ahmed 3, Sabah Ahmed 3, Sadia Ahmed 3, Safa Ahmed 3, Phoenix Aird 3, Joshua Airey 3, Ismail Akhtar 3, Hisham Akram 3, Jibreel Akram 3, Zishan Akram 3, Zara Alam 3, Oscar Alderson 2, Ahmed Ali 3, Bilal Ali 3, Hafsah Ali 3, Ibrahim Ali 3, Sabah Ali 3, Zayn Ali 3, Ayaa Aljasem 3, Amealia Allen 2, Chloe Allen 3, Rachael Allen 3, Lucy Allen-Carney 3, Emma Allott 3, Abdullah Alsalama 2, Suhaib Ameen 3, Rebecca Andrews 3, Charlie Angell 3, Drew Anglesea 3, Olivia Ardern 3, Amaan Arif 3, Isaac Arif 3, Sophie Ash 3, Haider Ashiq 3, Aleeha Ashraf 3, Halima Ashraf 3, Halimah Asif 3, Regan Askin 3, Iman Aslam 3, Sophia Aslam 3, Thalia Atack 3, Aron Atkinson 4, Ruby Atkins-Sloan 3, Elizabeth Avelino 3, Habeebah Ayub 3, Pakeeza Azam 3, Amar Badawi 3, Ema Bagdonaviciute 3, Laurent Bailey 3, Bayley Bainbridge 3, Alicia Baker 3, Leoni Baldwin 3, Emma Banks 3, Liliana-Stefania Barbu 3, Souad Bardack 3, Sabbha Barkat 3, Paige Elizabeth Barker-Lindsay 3, Sophie Barley 3, Emma Barlow 3, Mia Barlow 3, Latisha Barnard 3, Kacey Barrass 3, Sophia Bartholomew 3, Abbie Bateman 3, Aaron Bates 3, Laura Batty 3, Tanzeela Bazmi 3, Jessica Beasley 3, Hannah Beaumont 4, Elizabeth Beighton 3, Emily Ruth Belt 3, James Bennett 3, Daisy Bernard 3, Nanija Berzina 3, Laura Betts 3, Zakiy Bhatti 4, Evie Billard 3, Kimberley Billie 3, Kyle Bingham 3, Thomas Bingham 3, Joseph Adam Birbeck 1, Henry Birks 3, Ross Birks 3, Felicity Blain 3, Thomas Blank 3, Olivia Blundell 2, Joshua Blunn 3, Charles Bodle 3, Anika Bogle 3, Grace Boldan 3, Aimee Bond 3, Sohail Boota 3, Connall Bourke 3, Sian Bray 3, Owen Brinton 3, Rebekka Briscoe 3, Ellie-Mae Britton 3, Joshua Broadbent 3, Tessa Brook 3, Amy-Jane Brown 3, Daniel Brown 3, Faith Brown 3, Mollie Brown 3, Tianna Brown 3, Frank Bull 3, Alisha Bullivant 3, Jay Bunclark 3, Grace Burgin 3, Kate Burgin 3, Molly Burgin 3, Shana Burgin 3, Evie Burke 3, Alfie Burtoft 3, Katy Butcher 3, Poppie Butcher 3, Chloe Butler 2, Aleasha Cairns 3, Harry Caress 3, Rachel Carlisle 3, Dylan Carratt 3, Ben Carter 3, Courtnie Cartwright 3, Hendrik Castelbranco Minvo 3, Leah Caunt 3, Harrison Chadwick 3, Molly Chambers 3, Sean Chandley 3, Faye Chappell 3, Steven Cheshire 4, Bethany Clark 3, William Clarke 3, Brodie Cleary 3, Aimee Coates 3, Ben Cockayne 3, Natasha Cockram 3, Kira Cocksedge 3, Alicia Lauren Cole 3, Daniel Cooke 3, Chloe Cooksey 3, Ellimae Coope 2, Caitlin Cooper 3, Alexander Cowling 2, James Cox-Craig 3, Harrison Crane 3, Kira Crossland 3, Billy Cullumbine 3, Elizabeth Cutts 3, Ethan Daines 3, Gabriele D'alessio 3, Ethan Darnell 3, Abigail Davies 3, Louis Davies 3, Morgan Davies 3, Samuel James Davies 3, Paris Davis-Glover 3, Isabel Dawson 3, Leon Day 3, Thomas Day 3, Chloe Deakin 3, Artan Dehbozorgi 3, Raul Dejica 3, Jasmine Denton-Cavalla 3, Carl Dexter 3, Ava Docherty 3, Dominyka Dombrovska 3, Alfie Downing 3, Bailie Duke 3, Saffron Emilia Duke 3, Lydia Dulley 3, Paige Egginton 3, Max Ellis 3, Tia-Bella Erinoz 3, Byron Evans 3, Ellie Mae Evans 3, Jack Evans 3, Jessica Faid 3, Emelia Jane Fair 3, Muhammad Sami Farooq 3, Danyal Fasser 3, Charlotte Fawdry 2, Isabelle Fields 3, Molly Firth 3, Monique Fisher 3, Heather Fitzgibbons 3, Lauren Flinders 3, Benjamin Folkes 3, Jade Foster 1, Kirstie Fox 3, Mia Fox 3, Melissa France 3, Emily Francis-Burke 3, Mia Franke-Birch 3, Ryan Frere 3, Daniel Frewin 3, Charli Frisby 3, Robert Frolov 3, Matthew Frost 3, Lauren Gammons 3, Molly Gash 3, Daniel Gaunt 3, Benjamin Gavelle 3, Emma Gelsthorpe 3, Alex Gent 3, Andreas Georgiou 3, Khadija Ghani 3, Yusuf Ghani 3, Samuel Gibson 3, Ryan Gill 3, Adam Gillespie 3, Ethan Gladwin 3, Jasmine Gledstone 3, Zander Gleeson 3, Ellie-Ja Goddard 3, Taegan Goodall 3, Matthew Goodwin 3, Max George Goodwin 3, Lori Grainger 3, Noah Gray 3, Sarah Gray 3, Elizabeth Green 3, Harvey Green 3, Jaydn Green 3, Robyn Green 3, Ahren Gregory 3, Eve Gregory 3, Aaliyah Gunn 3, Hameeda Hadhrami 3, Salha Hadhrami 3, Tomos Gareth Hadley 3, Ebony Hague 3, Amelia Haigh 3, Emily Haigh 3, Libby-Jayne Hall 3, Imama Hanif 3, Rhys Harding-Montgomery 3, Kaitlin Hardwick 3, Katie Hardwick 3, Amy Harper 3, Emily Harris 3, Rose Harris 3, Luke Harrison 2, Olivia Harrison 3, Rhian Hart 3, Georgie Hartley 3, Emma Hately 3, Brandon Hawksworth 3, Imogen Headleand 3, Emma Heaton 4, Alice Hensby 3, Jack Hercock 3, Olivia Hickman 3, Kayli Hill 3, Abby Hirst 3, Maxim Hirst 3, Kieran Hobson 3, William Hobson 3, Julian Hodgetts 3, Amelia Holland-Barker 3, Leila Holmes 3, Faye Holyman 3, Jacob Homer 3, Adam Horan 3, Ellen Horspool 3, Millie Houlton 3, Brooke Hudson 3, Hadeeqah Hussain 3, Hasnain Hussain 3, Hifsa Hussain 3, Ihsan Hussain 3, Isaaq Hussain 3, Kasam Asaf Hussain 3, Rohaib Hussain 3, Sidrah Hussain 3, Siyaam Hussain 3, Sohail Hussain 3, Zafirah Hussain 3, Zainab Hussain 3, Bilal Ibrahim 2, Esha Imran 3, Saniya Imran 3, Madiha Iqbal 3, Aasim Jabbar 3, Siam Jabbar 3, Devon Jackson 3, Joshua Jackson 3, Katie Jackson 3, Tegan Jay 3, Mia Jeffery 3, Millie Jenkins 3, Molly Jenkinson 3, Lauren Jessop 3, Lewis Jinks 3, Ally Johnson 3, Max Johnson 3, Jessica Jones 3, Lucy Jones 3, Samuel Jones 3, Shakira Jukes 3, Laura Jury 3, Amna Kamran 3, Iqra Kamran 3, Inderdeep Kaur 3, Alisha Kauser 3, Eleanor Kay 3, Kira Kecskes 3, Joshua Kempshaw 2, Callum Kempster 3, Molly Kent 4, Atlanta Kereisaite 3, Faisal Khairy 3, Danyaal Khan 3, Muhammed Yasin Khan 3, Raheem Khan 2, Siraj Khawaja 3, Ellie Kieswetter 3, Jude Kirby 3, Daisy Kirk 3, Isabel Kniveton 3, Ethan Kopiowski 3, Samirah Kouser 3, Abbie Lambert 3, Grace Lambley 3, Max Larkin 3, Emily Latham 3, Joshua Lawrence 3, Chloe Lawther 3, Sasha Laycock 3, Charlie Lee 3, Jessica Lees 3, Robert Lenton 3, Dylan License 3, Bethany Lilley 3, Hayley Linney 3, Abigail Llukaj 3, Kelsie Lockerbie 3, Mistylea Logan 3, Jack Longson 3, Shania Lord 3, Francesca Lovell 3, Billie-Jo Machin 3, Julianne Mackintosh 2, Courtney Maddock 3, Jessica Magowan 3, Aaminah Mahmood 3, Fiza Mahmood 3, Henna Mahmood 3, Maria Mahmood 3, Alisha Makhmood 3, Aliya Makhmood 3, Hijab Malik 3, Moneeb Malik 3, Maia Mallinson 3, Louis Manfredi 3, Sophie Markiewicz 3, Macey Marriott 3, Antonio Mars 3, Joel Marsh 3, Imogen Blue Marshall 3, Isabel Marshall 3, Jenna Marshall 3, Chloe Mason 3, Ellie Mather 3, Abigail McCluskie 3, Abigail McIlroy 3, Ross McMillan 3, Adam Meakes 3, Jak Mercer 3, Grace Mills 3, Sahra Mohamed 2, Sadiya Mohammad 3, Adam Moore 3, Emelia Moore 3, Reece Moore 3, Jaden Moors-Roebuck 3, Remy Morris 3, Joshua Moxon 3, Bibbyana Mpundu 3, Sheldon Mulcahy-Beecroft 2, Maham Munir 3, Isabel Murton 3, Marim Musa 3, Alijah Mustafa 3, Michael Muzulu 3, Dominic Mycroft 3, Deimena Narbutaite 3, Kashif Naveed 3, Raeesah Nazir 3, Patricia Ndungu 3, Anna Ngoyi 3, Jenna Nishat 3, Nathan Nnabuife 3, Benjamin Nolan 3, Jack Nota 3, Marion Ebanga Ntaribo Tataw Bakwa 3, Charlotte Nunwick 3, Natalie O'Donnell 3, Adaku Okpara 3, Emma O'Neill 3, Harry Openshaw 2, Amy-Lee Oscroft 3, Bradley Outram 3, Chloe Overett 3, Rosalind Overfield 3, Chloe Oxley 2, Megan Panther 3, Emily Frances Parkin 3, Laura Pashley 3, Aimee Pasley 3, Samuel Pearson 3, Rachel Peedle 3, Jessica Pink 3, Elliott Piper 3, Ellouise Abigail Porter 3, Oliver Potente 3, Lennon Prenton 3, Joseph Preston-Duggan 3, Emily Pugh 3, Iram Qurban 3, Allisha Rafiq 3, Faryah Rafiq 3, Elsa Ramzan 3, Hannah Rashid 3, Emma Rawlin 3, Sibarn Razaq 3, Lauren Reardon 3, Liam Reddington 3, Sophie Redmond 3, Jade Rich 3, Isabel Richardson 3, Mary Richardson 3, Jason Rigden 3, Finlay Riley 3, Jet Rimington 3, Melissa Roberts-Richardson 3, Alexandria Robinson 3, Ben Robinson 3, Mae Robinson 3, Ellie Rodgers 2, Sophie Rogerson 3, Libby Ann Rollinson 3, Alexander Rooker 3, Megan Roper 3, Alicia Ross 3, Jessica Russell 3, Chloe Saad 3, Kami Sabir 3, Rukaiya Sabir 3, Zulaikha Sabirah 3, Iram Sadiq 3, A'ishah Said 3, Jakub Saladjak 3, Katrisha Saleh 2, Jake Salt 3, Lois Satterthwaite 3, Niall Scallan 2, Zainib Shafiq 3, Yumna Shah 3, Ithshaam Shahnawaz 3, Mohamed Shamas-Ul-Haq 3, Elizabeth Shaw 3, Ellie Shaw 3, Naomi Shaw 2, Mia Shearwood 3, Bethany Shelton 3, Kyle Sherwin 3, Negar Shishehgarzadeh 3, Evie Shore 3, Amaan Mohammed Siddiq 3, Ruqayah Siddiq 3, Molly Sigsworth 3, Karolina Siksniute 3, Dominic Simpson 3, Patricija Sinkevic 3, Barney Skidmore 2, Lynden Slater 3, Molly Slater 3, Diaz Smart-Fullwood 3, Eve Smedley 3, Abigail Smith 3, Ace Smith 3, Hailie Smith 3, Oliver Smith 3, Robyn Smith 3, Madeleine South 3, Paige Spencer 3, Charlotte Spink 3, Husa Spugmay 3, Denny Squires 3, Mackenzie Stables 3, Zoe Staniforth 3, Jamie Staniland 3, Devon Staveley 3, Daria Stawowiak 3, Charlie Stewart 3, Joseph Storey 2, Abby Stroughair 3, Nell Lindsay Megan Stroughair 3, Emily Stuchbury 3, Natasha Sudworth 3, Alex Sunderland 3, Chloe Surtees 3, Lottie Sutcliffe 3, Maisy Swallow 3, Ben Swann 3, Hannah Sweeney 3, Archie Swindell 3, Francesca Taylor 3, Jake Taylor 3, Ella Thomas 3, Laney Thomas 3, Reeve Lain Thomas 3, Jessica Thompson 3, Anastacia Thorpe 3, Thomas Thorpe 3, Luke Timms 3, Owen Todd 3, Tor Tonnesen 3, Abbie Topham 3, Saffron Tough 3, Ciaran Tracey 3, Saul Trickett 3, Harry Truman 3, Alexandros Tsiolas 3, Gradi Tudiun 2, Isabel Tunnard 3, Katie Turner 3, Amelia Veal 3, Lincoln Ventour 3, Emily Vickers 3, Amina Wahid 3, Sarah Wajahd 3, Vinny Walls 3, Abbie Walton 3, Madison Ward 3, Hana Waseem 3, Jacob Wassell 3, Bradley Watson 3, Tia Watson 3, Kirsten Weatherhead 3, Lucy Webb 3, Benjamin Webster 3, Ellie Webster 3, Dion White 3, Lauren White 3, Thomas Whiteoak 3, Charlie Whorton 3, Heather Widdowson-Trow 3, Mia Widdrington 3, Matthew Wiernicki 3, Kyle Wilbourne 3, Amber Willis 3, Callen Wilson 3, Cobi Wilson 3, Siobhan Wilson 3, Oliver Winstanley 3, Daniel Wiseman 3, Natasha Wood 3, Lauren-Nicole Woodcock 3, Olivia Wraith 3, Alice Wright 3, Emily Wright 3, Madeleine Wright 3, Jack Wrigley 3, Hasna Yasseen 3, William Freddie Yates 3, Grace Young 3, Jack Young 3, Reegan Young 3, Fraser Yuill 3, Goda Zabitaite 3, Hamza Zaman 3, Nakai Zambe 2, Juste Ziulpaite 3


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