Know the signs to spot cancer early, women told

WOMEN are being urged to learn the signs of cancers of the reproductive organs — and to seek treatment if they have any worries.

September is Gynaecological Cancer Awareness Month and women are encouraged to become more aware of the symptoms of problems with the  cervix, vagina, vulva, ovaries and womb.

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Sue Green, senior information development nurse at Macmillan Cancer Support, said: “The earlier gynaecological cancers are found, the more likely it is that treatment will be successful. 

“You are not wasting your doctor’s time by getting your symptoms checked.”

She added having ongoing or unexplained symptoms did not mean you had cancer but it was important to get checked as a precaution. 

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Symptoms of gynaecological cancers can include: a lump or sore on your vulva, vagina or groin; other vulva changes, including itching, burning or soreness; and unusual vaginal discharge, including watery, blood-stained or smelly discharge.

You may also see a heavier or more painful period than usual; bleeding between periods, after sex or after menopause, pain when peeing, needing to pee often, or blood in your pee; having a swollen tummy, feeling full quickly and/or loss of appetite and pain or discomfort in the lower tummy area and/or back. 

For more information and details on all of these cancers or if you would just like someone to talk to, call Macmillan free on 08088 080000, (seven days a week 8am-8pm) or visit