Inspector’s idea will prove a life-saver

LIFE-saving throw ropes have been added to all Rotherham’s police vehicles, thanks to an inspector’s suggestion box idea.

Insp Alan McFarlane submitted the proposal through South Yorkshire Police’s internal ideas platform — called the “innovation station”.

Now all operational vehicles will carry the life-saving throw lines to assist officers in case of a water rescue.

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Insp McFarlane, based at Main Street station, said: “The first and most important responsibility of a police constable is to protect life.

“Entering open water is dangerous. Lives are lost across the country every year due to drowning in open water.

“Sadly, two young lives were lost last year in Rotherham alone.

“The issue of rescue throwlines to police vehicles, combined with training provided by South Yorkshire Fire & Rescue, gives police officers and PCSOs an important advantage if called upon to intervene in such an emergency.”

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A force spokeswoman said: “Our Innovation Station is an internal platform that allows officers from across the force to submit their ideas that they believe can enhance our response to policing our communities.

“A panel of representatives from across the teams assess the ideas submitted and grant those they believe will have an impact on delivering our force priorities.

“As we enter the summer holidays and continue to see warmer weather, we are urging you to speak to your children and teenagers about water safety and the risks with swimming in open waters.”

Advice for parents can be found on South Yorkshire Fire & Rescue’s website at:

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