WHAT'S ON: Whiston

What's on in your local area

WOMEN’S INSTITUTE (AFTERNOON GROUP): Rona Hudson welcomed 66 members and three visitors to the recent meeting. A short business meeting was held. The centenary tea party was well attended and £117 was taken at the WI stall. Members were asked to suggest a new venue for next year’s summer lunch and also discussed were the Christmas events at Chatsworth and Castle Howard. The Christmas lunch will be at the Sitwell Golf Club on December 9 and the carol service on December 14. The luncheon club is meeting on Tuesday, the walks on October 21, the flowers on Monday, craft on October 19. The chantry group is organising an autumn lunch at Dinnington and a carol service on December 7. There is to be a centenary lunch at the Consort on November 21. There then followed a members meeting organised by Marilyn Scarrow. A volunteer from the Bluebell Wood Hospice brought along some photos of the hospice and explained how it is run. The next meeting is on November 5 and the speaker will be from the National Trust with stories from the Workhouse at Southwell. The competition will be an apron.