WHAT'S ON: Wath & Manvers

What's on in your local area

WATH MORRIS TEAM: Wath Morris are to donate £200 to each of the charities Bluebell Wood and Weston Park Hospital. This money is a result of collections made at recent Mumming Play performances.


BETELGUESE AND BARN OWLS: Join the team at RSPB Old Moor, together with Mexborough and Swinton Astronomical Society, for an evening of natural spectacle.  Witness the birds coming in to roost over the mere at sunset and then, as the skies darken, gaze skywards as the stars come out. The evening will start with a choice of guided walks to the hides to watch the wildfowl. Following the walks the astronomy society will be on hand to show the wonders of the night sky through powerful telescopes. In the Activity Centre there will be a presentation of film footage of the stars. In the visitor centre there will be a demonstration of a planetarium. This event takes place on January 16 3-6.30pm, price £5 adults, £2.50 children, all proceeds go to support both charities. Booking essential 01226 751593, email [email protected].


DEARNE VALLEY RAMBLERS: www.rhe amblers.org.uk/dearne-valley.