WHAT'S ON: Rawmarsh & Parkgate

What's on in your local area

OPEN DOOR YOUTH CLUB: Offering a variety of activities, where participants can ask the questions they always wanted to know the answer to and have their say and be listened to as well as having new experiences, learning something new, meeting new friends while being safe and having fun. Participating in group work, developing social and personal skills.Tuesday 6.30-9.30pm. Cost 50p per person at Rawmarsh People’s Centre.


HEALTH PROJECT: At Rawmarsh People’s Centre, the Health Project is run in partnership with CASH and offers a safe environment where young people have an opportunity to develop their knowledge and awareness through various activities based around health-related issues including drug and alcohol misuse, emotional and mental health, healthy eating and physical health, positive relationships, CSE and sexual health. Sessions run 5.30-8.30pm on Wednesday and are free to attend. 


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GET THAT JOB: New adult training session at The High Street Centre begins on January 13 for six weeks 10am-2pm. Help with CVs, searching for jobs, filling in application forms, getting ready for interview, setting up email and Twitter accounts are some of the projects to be covered. Adult training, priority given to people who live in Rawmarsh and Parkgate –- no charges for training. Booking essential 01709 719478, [email protected].


INTRODUCTION TO OFSTED: At High Street Centre from January 14 for six weeks 9.30am-1.30pm. Among subjects to be covered are early years foundation stage and planning, working to Ofsted guidance, observing children and record keeping and safeguarding and child sexual exploitation. Adult training, priority given to people who live in Rawmarsh and Parkgate – no charges for training. Booking essential 01709 719478, [email protected].

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