WHAT'S ON: Masbrough
ST BEDE'S CHURCH: The world youth day in Krakow with Pope Francis will be July 22 2016 for 18-30 year olds, contact [email protected]. CAFOD harvest fast day will be October 2. The Lourdes ball is on October 9 at the Consort Suite in Thurcroft to help raise money to enable the sick to go to Lourdes – attend or sponsor or donate a raffle prize, contact 07870507206. A new sacramental approach is printed on the church bulletin/website. St Bede’s wishes to lead a pilot project restoring the order of the sacraments of initiation. If anyone is interested in becoming involved in the scheme they can speak to Fr Ryan or the school. The next Shiloh/Hub donation is October 11. Donations always appreciated.
MASBROUGH AND THORNHILL COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION: Bingo in the community hall on College Road Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday 6-8pm.