WHAT'S ON: Braithwell

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BRAITHWELL PARISH COUNCIL: The meeting on February 23 was attended by four councillors, parish clerk Mrs Sue Richardson, DMBC councillor Alan Smith and four members of the public. A member of the public brought forward problems with the verge on Holywell Lane. People had been driving on to the verge in a VW. It was not safe to park on the road and this was causing the problem with the verge being churned up. She had contacted First Point at DMBC but no one wanted to speak with her. They had been given a clear indication of the problem but the only response received was that the verges will be cut on April 1. Tenants of a property have been told that they must not park on the verge. However, the verge now needs reinstating, not just cutting. The verge is DMBC but the resident was asking for the support of the parish council, asking could there be a request for a site visit by DMBC and was it possible to have wooden stakes positioned on the verge to prevent parking. Cllr Parkinson stated that she had had a walk round with a member of DMBC and highlighted the state of the verge but had been told it was the responsibility of Street Scene. On March 1 Cllr Parkinson will be meeting with a representative of Street Scene and again highlighting the state of the verge. It looks unsightly to people when entering the village. Members of the public were concerned about the broadband speed at Micklebring. The village is served by the exchange at Maltby. It was stated that the parish council had written to the mayor last year asking if the connection could be improved. Open Reach had been contacted but it appears it comes down to the commercial factor that there is insufficient take-up of broadband. It was agreed that the parish council would write again to ask what the position is as the speed is getting slower. Cllr Smith said that DMBC is looking at improving the broadband connection throughout the whole borough and he will raise the issue with the mayor at the next council meeting. No police report was received but a motorhome had been stolen from Micklebring on February 5. The meeting was told that the flower beds had been cleared and that work was still continuing on the Diamond Jubilee Gardens. The grounds maintenance and service level agreement was discussed. The meeting was told that there had been complaints about the grass verges and parking in Braithwell. In certain parts of the village there is nowhere to park. The meeting was also informed that road signs were still damaged and potholes have just been patched up. Also, the phone box on Holywell Lane is filthy. A question was asked about who owned the pedestrian pathway on the new development. Hedges have been planted in front of the fences on Ashton Lane. Councillors wanted to know who would be responsible for these. Councllors wanted to know if there had been any further developments over the closure of Maltby sorting office.


BROWNIES AND GUIDES: The Brownies began working on their World Guiding badge. They looked at four of the world centres, played a game on them and then the girls made jigsaws on one of the world centres of their choosing. The Guides began working on a new Go For It. One patrol decided to celebrate the Chinese New Year instead as part of their Baden Powell. Last Monday was World Thinking Day and the Braithwell Brownies and Guides came together with Rainbows, Brownies and Guides from across Doncaster West to celebrate with a service at St Peter’s Church, Conisbrough.