Rockingham Junior & Infants School nativity pictures

YOUNGSTERS at Rockingham Junior & Infants School in Wingfield have been performing their nativities plays for parents and grandparents

YOUNGSTERS at Rockingham Junior & Infants School in Wingfield have been performing their nativities plays for parents and grandparents.

The FS and Keystage 3 children performed 3 nativities and Claire Nixon, who sent in the pictures, said they were all a great success.

We are looking for Rotherham's best Christmas decorations

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So if you’ve covered your home and garden in Christmas lights or you've got a spectacular Christmas tree, inside or out, we want to see your seasonal snaps.

Click here to send in a photo of your decorations and we’ll feature them all on the website and a selection in the Advertiser. Alternatively, you can email them to [email protected] or click the link on our Christmas page.

Readers will be able to vote for their favourite and the most popular will receive a framed photograph of their festive lights display taken by an Advertiser photographer.

So what are you waiting for? Send us your pictures now!