Open meeting for Rotherham parents of disabled children

A SUPPORT group for parents of children with disabilities and additional needs is holding an open meeting to spread the word of its work.

Members of the Rotherham Parent Carer Forum, which runs regular advice sessions and develops activities for affected families, will be at the UK Coffee Shop branch at the UK Outdoor Clearance store at Parkgate Shopping next Friday, September 30 from 10am to 2pm and 5pm to 7.30pm.

Charity Officer Louise Graham said: “We are based in Parkgate and are a group of parents who all have of children with disabilities and additional needs.

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“We work to support the families of disabled children in our town in a variety of ways which include running weekly advice sessions at the local Tesco superstore, work with businesses such as Jump Inc and Camelot to offer activities specifically for our families and working with the local authority and

Clinical Commissioning Group to improve the services that our families receive.”

The group currently has 600 families on its database but Louise said there was a long way to go reach the families of all children with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) in Rotherham, as there are currently over 8,000 children on the SEND register in the borough’s schools.

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