THE Marmozets are a relatively local band stemming as they do from Bingley in West Yorkshire and they certainly bring a Northern brashness to a relatively stuffy and boring music scene.

Their first album is an attractive amalgamation of punk and metal and pop and lots more – but the thing it has in spades in attitude.

Its 13 tunes in 45 minutes are belted out at a furious pace that is infectious and joyous. There is no time for relaxing here as the music grabs you by the lapels, shakes you a bit and then invites you for a spot of jumping about, screaming and dancing.

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Becca Macintyre’s vocals are a thing to behold – that girl must have specially strengthened pipes as she sings and shouts and screams like a banshee with a lot to say and which you are obliged to listen to if you care at all about your well-being.

It’s a relentlessly upbeat album that suggests even greater things to come. It crosses many genres and should appeal widely, even though a lot of its promotion has been geared to heavy metal listeners.

Turn on the CD player, listen, enjoy, feel a little stunned at the end.

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