BOOK REVIEW: Fox by Frederick Forsyth

ONE of the best British authors Frederick Forsyth, who has not published for a while, has hit the market with a book which, like most of his, must be in the running to become a best seller.

Titled Fox, it is all about the world of cyber attacks and the dream of a 17-year-old boy whose genius enables him to break in to some of the most sophisticated sites in the world.

He is the most dangerous threat to our security, but what if this threat can be turned into a weapon?

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The book is a real page-turner and is almost impossible to put down as the drama and intrigue build as a major attack is made on the boy to try and destroy him.

If you have read the autobiography of  Forsyth you will appreciate the work he puts in to writing such a compelling read. It is hard to work out what is fiction and what is going on in the world of computers.

I hope we will see more of this great author.

By John Dickinson