Titans days could be numbered

TITANS days in Rotherham could be numbered, unless an agreement over the future use of Clifton Lane can be brokered.

The Advertiser broke the story last Friday that Rotherham Athletic Company have served notice to the Championship club’s officials that unless a new lease is signed by the end of this September, they they will have to find a new base.

It is understood that the terms of the newly-drafted lease are prohibitive towards playing professional rugby at the ground, especially with new RFU demands kicking in.

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As revealed in the Advertiser, Titans have been told that a no-breach line will be drawn across the ground, effectively down the cricket side touchline, which will not permit spectators, players or officials to cross. The TV scafford gantry will also have to come down.

It also wouldn’t allow for a new 5m safety zone between the pitch and spectators to be implemented, as required by the RFU.

On top of that, the lease also demands that no non-rugby events will be allowed in the clubhouse without written permission of the Athletic Company. That is likely to cost the club thousands of points and it is also understood that bookings for September onwards for such as wedding receptions and Christmas parties are having to be rejected.

Talks are expected to take place, possibly on a legal footing, but it all leaves the Titans with few options.

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One is for the club to relocate lock, stock and barrel to Abbeydale where the Sheffield venue would welcome a new professional arm.

Titans would also be able to tap into new revenue streams, including major sponsors in an affluent area, at a time when they are finding it increasingly hard to pay their way in Rotherham.

You’ll find the latest in this week’s Advertiser - but tell us what YOU think, by Twitter or email to [email protected]

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