Wrong people in danger of redundancies

Once again our council is proposing redundancies and these will no doubt be mainly among the lower paid, thus making many people unemployed and reducing spending power in the town.

Why not get rid of higher paid jobs such as town centre manager. What do they do to justify such a salary?

Reduce the number of councillors by 20 and save £550,000 per year. Stop wasting money on refurbishing council offices and the so-called town hall, saving probably three million pounds.

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Stop all council junkets and hospitality, unless it can be proven to bring jobs and wealth to the area.

Stop producing mindless drivel in the form of news letters that costs thousands per year.

The Advertiser is used by the council to promote the council's agenda and also to inform the populace of how good the council is.

It is also noted that Rotherham spends thousands of pounds on consultancy firms. Why? Are we not capable of thinking for ourselves, councillors?

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Finally, we should remove all the current council and elect members who have some degree of business acumen and not just those who strive for personal recognition.


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