We're not being selfish over Herringthorpe playing fields

Sir - On reading the feedback (Advertiser, March 9) about the floodlighting the playing fields, I am disgusted on a comment that the people of Rotherham have been called "selfish".

We are not selfish we are just wanting to keep the fields as it is for the up and coming generations.

We believe that it is the Rotherham Rugby Club that are selfish by wanting to fence of the majority of the field of so that others can NOT use it.

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I am 37 and was born and bred in Rotherham and have played, took dogs for a walk on their for many years and want to see it stay like it is.

We have NEVER said that we are against the rugby club either training or playing, on their as we have not complained about them in the past. But for as long as I can remember they have never needed lighting.

Karen Smith, Creighton Avenue, Rawmarsh.