Voice your concerns about hospital

When the British public heard about the vast sums of money, banking executives were paying themselves in spite of their organisations crashing and having to be bailed out, there was a huge outcry and rightly so.

There has been a public sector pay freeze for a while, but this information for whatever reason, failed to filter its way up to the Rotherham NHS Foundation Trust Board, who still pay their executives and directors obscene six-figure salaries.

Similarities? Both the banking industry and the Rotherham Trust are rewarding failure!

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With morale at the hospital at an all time low, ward and department closures an almost a weekly occurence and operating theatre closures, if the People of Rotherham are concerned about the care of the population of the town, please, please lobby your elected representitives and express your concern about the Trust executives and their collective greed.

If these cuts in jobs and  services continue, the people of Rotherham will be left with a small cottage hospital and the people of the area will have to travel for their essential treatment........or is that the REAL plan?

Name and address supplied.

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