UKIP are not what they seem

UKIP are very crafty, they never get involved in anything that may be considered racial like grooming or too many mosques being built in the town.

MRS Poole asks us to stick up for Caven Vines (Advertiser June 28). How can we when this man swore on oath he had nothing to do with the BNP while attending a meeting and conversing with Nick Griffin, giving out far right views while pretending he is not far right?

I believe you state your views then stand and people vote for you if they agree, you do not tailor your manifesto to trick people into voting for you as UKIP do.

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They promoted stopping immigration as they knew it was a vote winner but if you examine the policy in detail it is not all it seems.

The majority of people do not vote, they are sick of politics, the Labour Party is not old Labour as we knew it in this little town in the Labour heartlands. Old Labour fought for the working class and protected it. Now it consists of shysters all out for the best for themselves and sod the voters.

It is not racist to worry and speak out against what is being done to us the working class and to our country, it is wrong to lie to voters about what you stand for as UKIP has done.

The fostering scandal was a godsend for UKIP but study the manifesto in detail and you will see the Farage mirage unfold on UKIP’s immigration policy.


Marlene Guest, Old School Close, Greasbrough