Top team making a postitive contribution

Sir — Following Mr Herbert’s letter (Town centre in decline, see Advertiser, July 13), I must confess this is not a town that I recognise. I have worked on and off in the town centre over the past seven years and was until recently the business representat

The team ably managed by Andy Roddis of Streetpride consists of PCSOs, Civil Enforcement Officers (traffic wardens in old money), a lone warden (the excellent Margaret Wagstaff) and others. During their daily briefings the team tackle the very issues Mr Herbert highlights and action is taken immediately on a vast range of issues. Many of the issues seem to be social problems rather than sign posting blame.

When someone cannot be bothered to walk a few yards to throw their rubbish in a bin or using the planters dotted around the town as giant ashtrays, do we keep cleaning up after them? Or do we try to instill a sense of pride in our town? And how do we go about that? In these days of cuts and redundancies the Town Team numbers have remained more or less the same, showing the council and partners’ commitment to the town centre.

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In my opinion the Town Team has a very strong and positive contribution to the resurgence of the town centre. Is it fair that they are being held responsible for the actions of a small percentage of people who do not have respect for themselves, others or their environment?

Mr Herbert raises important issues so I would urge him to speak to a member of the Town Team with his ideas. They are always highly visible in the town centre, very approachable and always willing to listen and learn.

Brij Chaggar,  Barnsley & Rotherham Chamber of Commerce.