Thanks for the clean-up

MAY I, through your newspaper, thank Wentworth Garden Centre staff for cleaning up the litter thrown out of cars on Hague Lane leading up to the garden centre and on Scholes Lane leading up to the village?

Well done all of you, you’ve done a grand job! Who are these people who throw rubbish out of their cars instead of taking it home and putting it in the bin? They haven’t got to physically carry it around with them, so why on earth do they do it? That goes for the fly tipping too. They have to put it into their cars to dump it in the countryside, so why not take it to a dump it site instead?

We all know how the council is struggling to fund essential services to the elderly and vulnerable, and none of us want our council tax money wasted on picking up litter so carelessly thrown down by others. So come on whoever you are, do your bit and don’t spoil our lovely countryside!

Rita Hewitt, Louden Road, Scholes.

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