Reply to critic of teachers

Sir - In the Advertiser ( September 9) under the heading "Teachers should train in the holidays" I would like to know what the author of this letter does for a profession?

Sir - In the Advertiser ( September 9,) under the heading "Teachers should train in the holidays," I would like to know what the author of this letter does for a profession?

I am still furious of his/her comments. It is obvious that this person has not got a clue what they are on about.

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This person has often wondered why so many teachers get so many days off in addition to their long holidays? Perhaps I can answer this point, if children are going to grow up like this muppet, maybe the days off for these teachers could be put down to stress because of braindead morons such as the person who wrote the letter in last weeks newspaper.

He/she also mentioned during the last school year some schools were closed because of bad weather and strikes, perhaps some teachers could not get to work because of bad snow, you know, the white fluffy stuff?

As for the strikes, do you not think that teachers wages may not be in line with the inflation line these days?

This person also went on to say "when I went to school there were more than 40 kids in each class" there are still primary and junior schools that have got 40 kids per class, and in my opinion 75% of these kids shouldn't be in mainstream schools so please, sir or madam, try use your brain in future.

Teachers do training, both during and after school, I know this for a fact. My partner is a teaching assistant.

Davie Kelly. Pembroke Street, Kimberworth, Rotherham.