Questions for Labour

Sir--I've just received my leaflet from the Labour Party (Maltby) in which they state Labour want safer streets, cleaner streets, somewere for children to play.

No mention of jobs or sorry for flooding the labour market with cheap exploited foreign labour.

No mention of free schools popping up everywere drawing money out of local authority's coffers (Labour policy), no mention of Labour's back-to-work programme embraced by the Tories were kids are sent to work in big corporations for nothing on the hope of a job.

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No mention of David Blunkett's crazy idea that every person on the dole more than a year will have to do six months' unpaid work in the community or lose their benefits.

This scheme is been currently tested in two counties in the UK. if you are a part time worker doing less then 20 hours per week you will be summoned to do unpaid work in the community or lose any benefits which you are entitled.

This is a Labour policy cooked up to undermine unions, workers' rights and has been fully embraced by the coalition. Could someone out of the Labour Party please tell me and your readers what crime a person as committed to be given unpaid work for being unemployed?

Criminals are ordered to do unpaid work by courts for petty crimes committed. Labour have put forward a another wanna-be councillor, who is completely out of touch with the modern labour market.

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I'm coming out of political retirement and hope to give the people of Maltby another option.

Labour supporters have nothing to fear from me but Labour councillors have because if I was lucky enough to be elected, I will be holding them to account and won't be bullied by unelected civil servants who control labour councillors like puppets.

MIchael Conlon, School Walk, Maltby.