One rule for MPs...

JEREMY Hunt, secretary of state for health, has taken the decision to ignore the independent review body’s award for health workers claiming the right to do so.

The review body recommended a one per cent increase in addition to incremental salary increases where these were applicable. He states that they can't have both.

Compare this with the reaction of the three main party leaders, Cameron, Clegg and Miliband, to the independent review body’s decision that MPs should receive a ten per cent increase in salary. These three worthies claimed that, while disagreeing with the award, they had no power to intervene.

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So why has a secretary of state the powers to ignore such a decision while the Prime Minister has not? Yet again we see one set of rules for MPs and another for others.

Having been retired for 18 years, I am not involved in the health service except as a grateful customer.

John Sparrow, Woodfoot Road, Rotherham