LETTER: Traitors to democracy

I HAVE recently returned from a trip to Ypres Cemetery and The Menin Gate in Belgium and have visited the British Cemetery at Bayeux, Normandy, France, where there are the graves of thousands who gave their lives in two world wars so that we today can enjoy the freedom and democracy that their sacrifice gave us today.

I was disgusted to see in the Advertiser on my return both Sarah Champion MP and John Healey MP both laying wreaths at the remembrance in Clifton Park.

How hypocritical of these two traitors to democracy to lay wreaths in remembrance of those who died giving us the democracy we have today. These two MPs have spent the last three years doing their best to destroy that democracy by totally ignoring the wishes of the majority of the electorate in Rotherham, the town they are supposed to represent, by constantly opposing the leaving of the EU and totally going against the majority of the people in a democratic vote who voted to leave the EU.

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As MPs representing the people of Rotherham it is your duty to represent the majority of the people who gave you a mandate to represent them in ensuring their wishes were carried out and you should have done all in your power to ensure we left the EU, not to ignore your electorate and do your own thing.

In a democracy you are elected to represent the majority verdict not to do your very best to ignore the electorate and try your best to destroy that democratic process that many thousands of service personnel gave their lives to protect.

Shame on you both, you are a disgrace to the trust the people who voted you in put in you.

I just hope people remember this and how you betrayed them on December 12.

Caven Vines, Kimberworth