LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Out of pyjamas, back to work

CAN I ask through the Advertiser why am I paying council tax and can I stop paying and get a refund for the services I’m not getting?

This town is a disgrace. The area I live in, Herringthorpe, is a disgrace as is the rest of Rotherham.

Streetpride is non-existent, the police pick and choose what law they will uphold and if you want to contact the council, let’s face it you would be lucky if you do.

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Why is everyone still working from home? Is it only me or do these people realise who is paying their wages?

You can’t do a lot of council services from home or can we now manage to cut grass, pick litter etc from home?

It’s possible I missed that whilst wading through rubbish on the streets.

They need to get out of those pyjamas and get back to work and do what they are getting paid for by the disgruntled public.

I love Rotherham but the council is letting everyone down.

Kath Reeder, Stevenson Drive 

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