LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Government running country into ground — and doesn’t care

I SOMETIMES feel that the people of this town walk around with their eyes closed and their fingers in their ears.

This country is going to the dogs and the Government is happy to let it. Why? Because it doesn’t affect them.

They are multi-millionaires who are so far removed from the everyday problems of working (or non-working) people they don’t have to worry about a cost of living crisis or escalating energy bills — hey, buy a new kettle and save yourself a few quid, that will do the trick.

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Rishi Sunak (a billionaire), Boris Johnson (a trickster, cheat and fraudster), Jacob Rees-Mogg (a Harry Potter-lookalike from a world of privilege and entitlement none of us could ever begin to imagine) and Liz Truss (a woman who comes across as being as thick as one of those planks in a Blist cartoon (see left) and who, according to recent articles in the national newspapers, is not remembered too fondly whatsoever by anyone who has ever met her, including her parents).

Strikes all over the country, a manufactured war, towns looking like those war zones, people like they’ve been dragged up on the streets of Victorian London. Oliver Twist can’t ask for more though because there isn’t any in Rotherham.

The politicians running this country are twisted, sick and corrupt. They are liars and twists, backed by the liars and cheats of big industry and big pharma.

We don’t have a chance because they don’t want to give us one.

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We are in such a state that GPs on £140,000 a year can’t even be bothered to see patients and most of those working for the NHS can’t wait to get out and ply their trade in the private sector — or at least work less hours in hospitals so they can do a bit of the side.

What are the answers? I was beginning to think there weren’t any until I started to add up the amount of money wasted on Covid, weapons, art projects that benefit no-one (I know, some of them do!) but those who take huge salaries for their posts as charity chief executives.

Meanwhile, genuine charities appear to be struggling like never before — at least that’s the gossip down the foodbanks that most of us are going to end up using in the next year or two. If there is any food to stock these places, that is.

It’s time we looked at the way our money was being spent and re-allocated it to where it was really needed.

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That won’t happen though because it would help solve the problems this government doesn’t want solved.

Never mind though, there is a genuine alternative —stick a piece of art up in Rotherham town centre. That should do it.

We can all sit back now and turn the central heating back on. Three bars on the fire and relax in that sunny glow.

I think I need to see a doctor after all that. Oh no, I forgot, they’re “working from home”.

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