Labour councillors sacked for fighting back

Whilst working away last week in Southampton I attended a protest at the Civic Centre on the Wednesday. The protest was called to oppose the deep and vicious cuts to youth services in Southampton.

So far nothing unique to this story, same cuts different town. But what is different here is what I learnt whilst speaking to the activists. Apparently, and coming from Rotherham I didn’t believe it at first, but two Labour councillors are actually resisting the cuts and fighting back.

Shock! Horror! Real fighting Labour councillors! Needless to say that these are now ex-Labour councillors. Upon deciding to fight for the people that voted them in, the working class and go against the wishes of the Labour Party, this now right-wing political party, they were expelled from the Labour Party.

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Since this visit to Southampton I’m wondering where is our fighting councillors. Are they fighting these ideological Tory cuts. Define Centre government. Set a needs budget. Fight every cut. They can not send government auditors to every council.

Neil Adshead, Rotherham Branch The Socialist Party, Green Arbour Road, Thurcroft.