A letter to the editor

sir in responce to MP barrons lack of understanding of the theories of free market economics, mr barron states in his responce that collective bargaining and unions have a place in the free market model is quite a disturbing statement and maybe underlines the MP,s lack of economic knowledge, according to the theories of the free market, unions and collective bargaining must be curtailed abolished and replaced with a low paid flexible workforce, mr barron fully supports low paid jobs and his parties actions and policies prove this. mr barron yourself mandleson and macshame bent over backwards to bring exploited cheap foreign labour to the uk to replace the local workers and look at the great job you did. has for the slag heap at maltby it is a buyproduct of profit and according to european law the polluter pays (hargreaves) and will put the polluted land back to a safe enviroment and clear all polluted objects, so can you tell the residents of highfield park and maltby when the work will be complete and that massive heap of poison will be removed and not just left their when they close the pit? how much money will it cost hargreaves to clear the site?has for your statement about you supporting maltby can you explain to the residents of maltby why a report on the 19th january 2010 by the labour party concluded and i quote: Maltby is a deprived town with high worklessness, high crime, low education attainment and low skill base. this report is the fruits of your 29 years representing maltby and in my opinion sums up what you have done for maltby. in 2005 the average heating bill for a pensioner was £658 per year, in labours last year of goverment that rose to £1267 per year for heating bills now mr barron tell us again so we can all understand you, you support this system which inflicts this kind of behaviour towards our OAP,s and lets them freeze to death for profit, just like you claim to support the NHS? well this is the way the NHS will go when it enters the free market and yourself and your health lobbists should make a packet, you just after turn the labour party machine close to the election and the muppets will vote for you, same old wine in new bottles. mr barron from 1939-1945 britian was a command economy then a mixed market economy until 1979 and from 1979-2013 a ruined economy. you have a happy new year for all of us because most of us in maltby cant afford.

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