What’s happening in and around your village....

SUMMER FAYRE: Brinsworth hosts its annual fayre on Sunday, July 10, from 11am, including rides, classic cars, outside bar area, various food stalls. Further details in the coming weeks. Following on from last year’s well attended Blue Light event – keep Wednesday, August 17 free for a similar event.

VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: The Centre Café is looking for volunteers for the kitchen, anyone able to give an hour or so would be most welcome, contact the centre for further information.

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LIBRARY ACTIVITIES: Mondays, 3-4, Study Club; Tuesdays, smile and stitch, 3 to 5pm, bring your own projects or get inspiration from others, just drop in or telephone 01709 255050 for further info. Last Tuesday of the month – book club 2pm to 3pm; Wednesday, second Wednesday of the month, Brinsworth and Catcliffe local history group; Thursdays, rhyme time 10am to 10.30am; Thursdays, knit and natter, 3-5 pm. Free, no need to book - call 01709 255050 for further information; Saturdays, 10-11am Lego Club – see how creative you can be in this free club. Available for party hire Saturday, 9am-4 pm and Sundays 1.30pm to 4pm.

ACTIVITIES CENTRE: Contact 01709 916890 (option2) – Mondays: Andy’s Man Club 7pm to 9pm; RumPum with Rachel 6.30 pm to 7.30pm; Tuesdays: RNN College courses, contact Rotherham College; Wednesdays: Dance factory 5.30pm to 7.45pm; Thursdays: WW 9.30am to 11am and 6.30pm to 8pm; pilates 6pm to 7pm and 7.15pm to 8.15pm; Fridays: Good Companions, 10am to 12 noon;

Activities at the Pavilion: Mondays: Tai Chi, 11am-12:30pm contact [email protected] or contact David on 07989 928 675; Zuma, 6-7pm, Amy 07943 379316;Yoga, 7.15-8.45pm, Maria 7837 307062; Tuesdays: Kidzone youth club, 7.30-8.30pm, contact 01709 916890 (option 1); Wednesdays, yoga, 7.30pm-8.30pm, Tim 07951 152415; Thursdays: School of Dance, 5.30-7.30pm, Jo 07436 530685.

BRINSWORTH TOWNSWOMEN’S GUILD: Meet on the third Thursday in the month at Manor Lodge Centre, Highlow View, 2pm until 4pm. Please call Gail on 01709 366114,

or Diane on 01709 376250.

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AFTERNOON TEA AND CAKE: Hosted by the Rivers Team, every Wednesday, 2pm at St Andrew’s Church, Bonet Lane. New people and those returning welcome. To book a place contact Linda Read on 01709 371989 or email her [email protected]. Donations accepted on the day.


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