Overnight slip road closures on M1 motorway near Rotherham

MOTORISTS face delays on the M1 next week as works to upgrade it to a ‘smart motorway’ continue.
Closures include:
- The northbound entry slip road at junction 34 for Meadowhall will be closed overnight on Friday, July 14.
- The northbound carriageway between the slip roads at junction 32 will be fully closed overnight for two nights from Tuesday, July 11.
- The southbound carriageway between the slip roads at junction 33 will be fully closed overnight for two nights from Tuesday, July 11.
- The southbound carriageway between the slip roads at junction 34 will be fully closed overnight for two nights from Tuesday , July 11.
The closures will take place between 8pm and 6am and clearly signed diversions will be in place.