Tom's recipe for success on MasterChef

AFTER getting a taste of life as a chef on TV show MasterChef, budding cook Tom Nicholes is now hoping to turn his passion for fine food into his career.

Tom (24) made it through to the quarter-finals of this year’s cookery competition, which is currently being screened on the BBC.

He now hopes his appearance on the show - where he impressed judges Greg Wallace and John Torode, will help him land his dream job as a professional chef.

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Tom, of Sandringham Avenue, Whiston, said: “Going on the show was fantastic but it’s a very unusual experience.

“It’s something you can’t prepare for because not only are you cooking, you’re doing the interviews and doing the filming - it makes it really hard to concentrate.

“When you’re at home if you think a meal will take one hour and 15 minutes to cook, but it takes one hour 20 minutes - that’s okay but not on the show.

“You are working against the clock and then somebody keeps popping up with a camera while you’re cooking.”

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Tom applied for the show last July and had to pass a telephone and face-to-face interview to secure his spot on the televised shows.

He said: “I’m not sure of the exact numbers but there must be thousands of people who apply so just to get on the show is amazing.

“I am hoping it will open the door into a professional kitchen.

“Turning your passion into a career is anyone’s dream and the aim is to go as far as I can.”

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Tom has now landed two cooking trials at restaurants following his appearance on the show.

He added: “Cooking is something I love doing and I have wanted to be a professional chef for some time but without any qualifcations I needed something that showed I could do more than beans on toast.

“Everybody has been so supportive and positive so I’d like to thank people for their support.”

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