“Start thinking, reduce your drinking” - police

POLICE launched their campaign to curb alcohol-related crime at Christmas urging revellers: “Start thinking — reduce your drinking.”

Extra patrols will take place in hotspots to discourage irresponsible drinking and officers will carry out test purchases on licensed premises.

Supt Shaun Morley said: “We’re asking the public to help us by knowing their limits, drinking sensibly and not putting themselves in a vulnerable position through excessive consumption of alcohol.”

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Domestic abuse reports usually rise in December and Supt Peter Norman, force lead for violent crime, said victims should not suffer in silence.

He added: “It affects every community, regardless of wealth, nationality, age or social class. Victims should not have to suffer physical pain or the emotional and mental anguish of being victimised by someone who is supposed to love and care for them.

“There are many excellent services across the county that offer support for individuals looking for advice or even help for a violent partner.

“We will always take positive action whenever and wherever we can to protect victims and their families.”

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