Shattered family's drink drive plea

ANGUISHED Fiona Shaw has made an impassioned Christmas plea after her family was shattered “in a second” by a drink driver. Her partner, loving dad Ian Clifton, was sent flying from his motor-cycle after being struck by a car as he rode ho

ANGUISHED Fiona Shaw has made an impassioned Christmas plea after her family was shattered “in a second” by a drink driver.


Her partner, loving dad Ian Clifton, was sent flying from his motor-cycle after being struck by a car as he rode home from work, leaving him with a severe brain injury.

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Now Fiona wonders if the real Ian will ever come back to her.

Learner motor-cyclist Ian, a 25-year-old food firm warehouse manager, was riding home from work when he was hit by miner David Walton (47), who this week admitted being just over the limit after having six pints the night before.

But five months on from the accident on a sunny day around 12.20pm last July, Fiona, also 25, is still living with the nightmare.

Speaking on Tuesday after Walton was fined £900 and banned for 12 months after pleading guilty to drink-driving and driving without due care and attention, Fiona said: “I don’t cry because if I did, I would never stop.

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“Ian was 6ft 3in, he loved his family and we had a two-year-old daughter, Tia. Now his body stature has gone and it’s like I have two children and I’m his 24-hour carer.

“I just want people to be careful because in just one second your whole future has completely gone.

“Our family’s message is don’t drink and drive this Christmas. If you go out and enjoy yourself at least have the decency to pay for a taxi home and get home safely.”



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