Rotherham schools, hospitals and council services hit by strike: GALLERY

THOUSANDS of public sector workers across Rotherham joined around three million people nationwide for the biggest strike for decades today.

Almost every school was closed this morning, while hospitals planned to operate a Christmas Day service and council services to use a skeleton staff.

Members from around 20 unions united in their resistance to the Government’s planned changes to pensions.

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The Government says that public sector pensions are unsustainable and claim that middle-income earners would get more after its planned changes.

Are you a striker? Tell us why you think the action is justified. Are you being affected by it? Tell us how you are coping with it. Use the "write a comment" buttons to post your views or click here to email [email protected]

But unions say that the money raised will be a £4 billion tax to cut the spending deficit.

Picket lines were held at workplaces across the town, while a rally is due to take place outside Rotherham Town Hall this morning.

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Ministers have estimated that the strikes could cost the UK £500 million and lead to job losses.

The Treasury made the estimate based on lower public sector output and knock-on effect on the private sector, including closed schools.

Hundreds of people have been voting in our poll on the issue and opinion is split.

We asked: "Public sector workers are due to strike in a protest over cuts to their pensions. Do you agree with their action?"

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These are the results so far.

Yes. The cuts are unfair. - 42.1%
No. Public sector pensions are too generous. - 55.9%
Maybe. But the country can't afford pensions at the current level. - 2.0%
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