Residents threaten bridge block on collision road

ANGRY residents are threatening to block a bridge and stop traffic if road bosses do not protect pedestrians.

More than 150 people signed a petition calling for safety measures on Bridge Street, where a woman and three children were recently hurt in a collision.

Protesters have drawn up plans for changes to the humpback bridge near the junction with Dun Street, where they said the view of oncoming traffic was currently obscured.

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Vanessa Shaw (40) of The Moorings, Swinton, delivered the plans and the petition to Rotherham Borough Council last week.

“This bridge was meant to be high enough for barges \_ it’s not needed for that any more,” she said.

“They could replace the bridge with a flat one, although I expect they would say that is too expensive. It needs proper safety measures to protect pedestrians of all ages, like traffic lights or speed bumps.”

The petition was mentioned briefly at a full meeting of Rotherham Council last Wednesday.

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“I watched the council meeting online and they spent longer discussing a petition by six people to cut down some trees,” said Vanessa.

“I think that’s absolutely disgusting. Are trees really more important than road safety?

“I have written to the council and the police - I kept the Post Office receipts to prove it - but I have not had any response from either.”

Residents have threatened to block traffic using busy Bridge Street on Tuesday if councillors do not respond to their objections.

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“If we don’t have any joy then it will be half a day, then a full day,” said Vanessa. “No-one will be coming or going at all in Swinton.

“This problem has to be addressed before someone loses their life.”

The Weekender contacted Rotherham Council for comment, but had not received a reply as the paper went to press.