This week's District News

The Mayor and Mayoress of Rotherham Cllr Robert and Mrs Tracy Taylor, hosted their Grand Charity Ball at Wentworth Woodhouse recently, and are pictured with event organiser Carole FosterThe Mayor and Mayoress of Rotherham Cllr Robert and Mrs Tracy Taylor, hosted their Grand Charity Ball at Wentworth Woodhouse recently, and are pictured with event organiser Carole Foster
The Mayor and Mayoress of Rotherham Cllr Robert and Mrs Tracy Taylor, hosted their Grand Charity Ball at Wentworth Woodhouse recently, and are pictured with event organiser Carole Foster
This week’s District News from our correspondents across the Rotherham borough:


SALVATION ARMY FOODBANK: Collections for the Salvation Army Foodbank can be made at St James’ Church at Anston on Wednesday mornings 10am-11am. Any donations of food and toiletries. please.

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ANSTON PARISH FRIENDSHIP GROUP: South Anston Methodist Church Hall, Sheffield Road, South Anston S25 5DW, contact 01777 702573.

NORTH ANSTON METHODIST CHURCH: The Wells, North Anston, S25 4BD. Sunday services 10.30am, contact Rev Angela Pothecary 07399 606166. Contact 01909 564774.


Jeff Blades Aughton Lane, Aston, S26 2AN. Tel 0114 287 2102 or email [email protected]

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5TH AGE: This social group meets every Tuesday, 2pm-4pm at Heighton View Community Centre (off Turnshaw Avenue in Aughton). Open to anyone over 55. Just drop in, ask for Julia. Membership free. Contact [email protected].

ASTON-CUM-AUGHTON HISTORY GROUP: On Monday May 20 we will be welcoming Stephen Gay who will be giving an illustrated talk entitled Picture Postcard Rotherham. It will be held in the William Layne Reading Room on Aughton Lane Aston from 7pm to 9pm. Visitors welcome, £4 including refreshments.

ASTON LADIES CIRCLE: We would like to welcome any new members to our Tuesday evening social gathering which meets on the first and third Tuesdays from 7.15pm in the Parish Hall on Rosegarth Avenue. We have speakers on various subjects, suppers, entertainers and trips out. Try us free of charge for your first evening.

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ASTON LIBRARY CHATTERBOOKS DROP-IN SESSIONS: Come and join us at Aston Library for our free sessions. From 3.30pm to 4pm on the first Thursday of every month chat to our friendly staff about your favourite books, authors, illustrators and characters. For children from 5-11 years. Cost free.

ASTON TARA: Aston Tenants and Resident Association coffee mornings every third Wednesday in the month at Hepworth Drive Neighbourhood Centre. If you want to enjoy a chat or meet a new friend, please call in.

BAPTIST CHURCH SWALLOWNEST LUNCH CLUB: Come and join in the conversations, each Thursday at 12 noon, as we enjoy hot drinks, soup and sandwiches.

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BETHESDA COMMUNITY CAFÉ: A place where anyone can drop in for a tea or coffee and maybe some food. It runs on Thursdays between 10am and 2pm in the church building on Mansfield Road, Swallownest. To find out more please get in touch with Bethesda Church.

CHATTERBOX ACTIVITY: A friendly group for pensioners, carers and over 55s meets every Tuesday from 10am to 12.30pm in Central Methodist Church, Lodge Lane, Aston. Lots to do including card games, table tennis, indoor curling, weekly quiz, free raffle and board games. You can have a chat and a cuppa and meet new and old friends, all for £3. For more information ring Janet on 07989 370593.

HEART OF KNITTING: The groups meet in the Bethesda on Mondays and Tuesdays. Contact Val on 07748 561520 or email [email protected]

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PROSPECTS: An inclusive service for those with learning difficulties. All welcome. We learn stories from the Bible (sometimes acted out), sing songs together in worship and celebration, and end with cake. We meet at Swallownest Baptist Church on the 3rd Sunday of each month at 3pm. Contacts - Malcolm 07720 776081 or Elizabeth 07594 410801.

FRIENDS OF ULLEY COUNTRY PARK: The next Café Day will be held on Sunday May 19. It will be open from 11am until 3pm serving homemade refreshments. On that day Woodhouse Community Choir will be performing in the Spillway and Bluebell Wood Hospice will be running a tombola stall. See more details on the website.


BRAMLEY SUNNYSIDE WILDCATS GIRLS SESSIONS: The perfect way for girls aged 5-11 to get involved with football. Sessions Sunday 8.45am-10am at Bill Hawes Field, Wroxham Way S66 2UY. Visit to book your first session, or contact the team to find out more at [email protected] or go to bramleysunnysidejuniorfootballclub.

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JUNIOR YOUTH CLUB: The Junior Youth Club is held at the Bill Chafer YC on Thursdays from 5pm until 7pm catering for 10-12 year olds. There is a tuck shop, indoor sports and arts and crafts. The entry is free.

THE GIRLS GROUP: Meet on Mondays from 5pm-7pm catering for 8-14 year olds. This has a tuck shop, indoor sports and arts and crafts. The entry is free.

THE CHATTY CAFE: Open every Wednesday morning from 10am until noon. Bacon and sausage sandwiches can be bought as well as cakes and biscuits. Call in for a chat and a cuppa and meet others.

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D-DAY EVENT: An event to commemorate the 80th anniversary of the D-Day Landings will be held on Sunday June 9 from 12pm to 4pm on the Flash Lane Playing Field behind the Youth Club. There will be food stalls, musical entertainment, craft fair, dog show, and more.

ROOMS: Are available for hire, mainly daytime, at the Bill Chafer YC and the Parish Hall, on Cross Street for clubs or parties etc. Details can be obtained from the parish council office on 01709 544590.

FRIENDSHIP GROUP: Is a community friendship group which meets on the first and third Thursday in each month from 2pm to 4 pm at St Francis’ Church on Main Street, Bramley. This group is open to everyone. You can go along simply for the social side of the group or take along your art and/or craft project or any games you might want to play. Refreshments are provided for a voluntary contribution of £2 per session. For information call 01709 702576.

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BRAMLEY TOWNSWOMEN’S GUILD: The Guild meets on the first Thursday of the month, 10.30am at the Parish Hall, Cross Street. Activities include regular speakers, Book Club, Arts and Craft Group, Luncheon Club, Theatre trips and outings. For more details contact Pat on Rotherham 548767.


BRAMPTON CHRIST CHURCH: There will be a Messy Church at Christ Church Community Hall on Saturday May 11 between 4pm and 6pm. Morning Worship for Christian Aid Week will be at 10am on Sunday May 12 and on Tuesday May 14 at 10am there will be Holy Communion followed by refreshments and prayer. On Wednesday May 15 the church will be open between 10am and 12 noon. Anyone interested in joining the Voluntary Friends of Brampton Graveyard Team would be made welcome. For more information please email [email protected]. Please keep in touch via Facebook – Christchurch Brampton Bierlow – or via the website www.christchurch Anyone in need of help or who would like to enquire about baptisms, funerals, weddings or banns of marriage please leave a message on the church answerphone on 01709873210 or email the above address.


CHARITY FASHION SHOW: Saturday May 11 2-4pm at The Brecks Community Hub. Charity fashion show raising funds for Rotherham Cancer Care and the Brecks Community Hub. Tickets £10, including a free drink and goodie bag.


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THE CENTRE CAFE: Did you know The Centre at Brinsworth has a café? Open Monday–Friday 8.30am-3pm. Come and enjoy a stress-free meal out or simply call in for a takeaway. Our menu ranges from breakfast to lunch with daily specials and we now even have bubble tea. The cafe offers gluten-free options and on request any other dietary options. Looking for a present idea? We also do afternoon tea gift vouchers, the perfect treat for someone special.

THE CENTRE: Monday – 9.30am-11am Toddler Group (term time only), 10am-12 noon U3A Writing Class (first Monday in month), 5.30pm-6.30pm Count on Dawn (weight management), 7pm-9pm Andys Man Club, 5.45pm-9pm bingo (over 16s only). Tuesday – 9.45am-11.30am Little Movers (2 sessions - term time only), 10am-11am RUFC Dance, 1pm-3pm Hearing Aid Clinic (last Tuesday of the month), 6pm-7pm Pilates with Georgina, 6.30pm-7.30pm Choose to Lose, 7.30pm-9pm Rock Choir. Wednesday – 10am-11am Pilates with Georgina, 11am-1pm U3A Yarn Addicts, 3pm-5pm Brinsworth Community Hub, 3.30pm-5.30pm Youth Group (term time only), 5.30pm-7.45pm Dance Factory. Thursday – 11am-12 noon Rehab Fitness Class, 9am-11am and 6pm-8pm Weight Watchers, 7.10pm-8.40pm Yoga with Maria. Friday – 10am-12 noon – Good Companions, 12pm-1pm RUFC Pilates. For further information please contact The Centre on [email protected] or call 01709916890 Monday to Friday 9am-2pm.


PARISH COUNCIL: All business can be dealt with by emailing the clerk at clerk@ or telephoning 01709 837550 / 07783 001496 where an answerphone is in operation. All calls will be answered but please remember hers is a part time post. See or the Facebook page for regular updates.

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CATCLIFFE PRIMARY SCHOOL: Website There is also an active Facebook page.


Ruth Booth-Rodgers Email [email protected]

CRESWICK ROAD CEMETERY: The next clean up of Creswick Road Cemetery will be on Saturday May 11 from 10am to noon. Extra volunteers and equipment welcome to cut back this treasured green space.

COUNCILLOR MICHAEL BENNETT-SYLVESTER: Michael recently had a tour of Trinity Croft School to take a look at the outside areas of the school and the improvements that have been made, partially due to Michael using some of his Community Leadership Fund to help towards the cost of the refurbishment. Improvements to the area have included bird boxes, bat boxes, fence painting, the creation of a gardening area, a woodland trail and a wellness area, all for the children to enjoy. Due to accidents occurring on the stretch of road between the old Fosters Garden Centre site and Thrybergh Country Park, Michael has pushed for more speed checks in the area, whilst also working with local residents to gather evidence to submit regarding the number of vehicles leaving the road and the difficulties faced by people trying to cross the road near Thrybergh Country Park. Due to this, the area was established as a regular speed camera location and a local neighbourhood road safety scheme was proposed for Doncaster Road. The scheme has now been accepted in this year’s budget, with work hopefully starting on the project this summer. As well as being out and about in the local community, talking to local residents, Michael also held his regular councillor advice surgeries, giving residents the opportunity to discuss any issues or concerns they may have with him. Cllr Jodie Ryalls and Michael Bennett-Sylvester will be present individually or together at the following events in the community next week for residents wishing to speak face to face - Tuesday May 14 9-11am litter picking Holy Trinity churchyard, Dalton; Wednesday May 15 10-11am Staple Green Neighbourhood Centre coffee morning, 11am-noon Warrener’s Place Neighbourhood centre coffee morning, 6.30-7.30pm surgery High Greave Place Neighbourhood Centre; Thursday May 16 10am-noon Dalton Community Café, Dalton Parish Hall; Friday May 17 9.30am-11am Thrybergh Church Hall coffee morning. Cllr Ryalls’ email and phone for council contacts has yet to be sorted. Cllr Bennett-Sylvester can be contacted on 07432509987 by e-mail to [email protected] or by post to 24, Garbroads Crescent, Thrybergh, Rotherham S65 4AW.

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PARENT AND TODDLER GROUP: Little Lions parent, baby and toddler group is held each Tuesday morning from 10-11.30am in St Leonard’s church hall on Park Lane in Thrybergh. The group runs during term time and includes nursery rhymes, story time, crafts and refreshments. For more information, email [email protected].

UNITY IN THE COMMUNITY: The team at Open Arms Community Support Hubs will be running a series of free community events over the summer for charities and community groups based in Rotherham to get involved with. The events will give local groups the opportunity to showcase their work and show the local community what their groups are all about, as well as giving groups the opportunity to attract new volunteers and meet like-minded people. Local events will take place at Dalton Parish Hall on June 3 and Springwell Gardens Community Centre on July 4, both from 12-2pm. For more information and to book a table, either telephone 01709 368515 or email [email protected].

FRIENDS OF DALTON AND EAST HERRINGTHORPE AND THRYBERGH GREEN SPACES: The group held their regular weekly sessions last week, giving residents the opportunity to meet up, have a chat and meet new friends. Regular weekly activities included the coffee morning on Wednesday from 10am and a keep fit session on Thursday morning from 11am-12 noon at Warreners Drive Neighbourhood Centre, and a keep fit session at Danes View Community Centre in Dalton on Wednesday afternoon from 1-2pm. For anyone wishing to support the group, they are also part of the Rotherham Community Lottery.

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TABLE TOP SALE: Danes View Community Centre will be holding a table top sale on Saturday May 25 from 11.30am. The table top sale will include new and pre-loved items, crafts, a cake stall and refreshments. Everyone is welcome.

MALE PARENT/CARERS CLUB: On the first Saturday of each month, a male parent/carers club is held at Mowbray Gardens Library from 10-11.30am. The club is aimed at male parents/carers of children with additional needs and includes games and Lego. For more information and to book a place, visit


DINNINGTON AND DISTRICT ART SOCIETY: Demonstrations are held in the Lyric Theatre, Dinnington. Doors open at 6.30pm and the demonstration starts at 6.45pm for approximately 2 hours. The cost of each demonstration is £5. May 21 – Rosie Smith, Garden Bird in Watercolour. June 11 – David Moore, Subject TBC in Ink, black coffee and Gold leaf. September 17 – Rob Wilson, Urban Scene in Multi Media. October 22 – Terry Chipp, subject TBC in Acrylic. November 19 – Paul Talbot-Greaves, Landscape in Watercolour.

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LYRIC THEATRE: ABBA tribute Mama Mia on May 10 7.30pm. Dinnington Town Council meeting at The Lyric on May 13 7pm, open to the public.

ADULT AUTISM AND ADHD MEET-UP: Rotherham Adult Neurodiversity Support Service, Friday morning monthly meet-up at Dinnington Resource Centre for all neurodiverse adults (autistic and/or ADHD). Contact Mike Horne on 07566 778307 or email [email protected]. Booking essential, see

MIDDLETON HALL (DART): Barleycroft Lane S25 2LE. Contact 01909 567439.

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DINNINGTON METHODIST CHURCH: Laughton Road, Dinnington S25 2PS. Sunday services 10.30am, Rev Angela Pothecary, 07399 606166. Room bookings - Graham Thomas 01909 563574.

DINNINGTON RESOURCE CENTRE: 131 Laughton Road, Dinnington, S25 2PP. For opening hours email [email protected] or telephone 01709 334426. Website www.rotherham. Contact 01909 518555, email enquiries@ dinningtonresource or view www.

RAOB (The Buffs): Sundays 7-8.30pm in the Dinnington Resource Centre, 131 Laughton Road, S25 2PP. Contact 01909 567554.

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ROYAL BRITISH LEGION: Last Wednesday of each month in The Lyric Theatre, 62a Laughton Road, S25 2PS. Contact [email protected].

DINNINGTON ST LEONARD’S CHURCH: Holy Communion, first, second and fourth Sunday of the month at 10.30am, third Sunday All Age Service at 10.30am. Every Wednesday following the third Sunday is Holy Communion at 11am.


GREASBROUGH COMMUNITY BOWLING CLUB: We can offer you fun and increased fitness if you join our community bowling club. Some members count the steps in a match and they are clocking 5,000. We have now changed to summer bowling hours - weekends starting at 10.45am and Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays are at the later time of 5.45pm. We are expecting some long summer evenings so do give us a ring if you would like to join or come down for a cuppa and meet us all. Contacts – John Byers, captain, on 07715 067335; Maureen Taylor, chair, on 07904 517226. Monday April 29 - 21up doubles, John Byers and Colin Cansfield. Tuesday April 30 - 21up doubles, Dave Bibby and Mick Lloyd; Vets singles, Valley Park ‘A’ 2 , Greasbrough 6; mid-week league, Greasbrough 7, Valley Park Stag 1. Thursday May 2 - Dave Mee Trophy, Dot Payne; 21up doubles, Alan Goddard and Ian Garfitt. Vets doubles, Dinnington 6, Greasbrough, 2. Saturday May 4 - 21up doubles, Adele and Ian Garfitt, Dave Mee Trophy, Colin Cansfield; Summer Round Robin, Maureen Taylor; Saturday League, Greasbrough 2, Wickersley Village 6. Sunday May 5 - Arthur King Trophy, Kenny Herbert; 21up doubles, John Byers and Mick Donson.

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ST MARY’S CHURCH: Sunday May 5 – 10.30am Service of the Word led by Margaret Hollingsworth who also gave the talk and prayers, Sian Johnstone read the first reading. Wednesday May 8 – 7pm Masbrough Community Choir held their rehearsals. Sunday May 12 - 10.30am will be Holy Communion, led by Rev Claire Welch. Saturday May 18 – 7pm concert by Masbrough Community Choir, tickets £6.50 on the door, refreshments and raffle.

GREASBROUGH LIBRARY: For any enquiries please call the library on 01709 551477.


Ruth Booth-Rodgers mail [email protected]

ST THOMAS’ CHURCH: Last week, the monthly Church Family Prayers sessions were held last Wednesday and Friday in The Hub, and on Tuesday, Tommys Tots, a playgroup for babies and pre-school children was held from 1.30pm in church.

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ST THOMAS’ C of E PRIMARY ACADEMY: The school’s annual summer fayre will be held in July, this time with a difference. The school is partnering with the ProStrike Events Team to take part in a sponsored ProStrike Speed Challenge. All the children will have the opportunity to take part in the event, which involves taking a shot at a giant inflatable football goal which is fitted with a speed radar. Each pupil will take 3 shots each, with their fastest speed recorded on a certificate for them to take home. Further details of the event and sponsor forms will be sent home with the children nearer the event. The summer fayre will also include stalls, raffles, tombolas, refreshments and more. Anyone wishing to donate items to the fayre can bring them into the school office, thank you. In June, pupils from Year 6 will be attending their transition days to Swinton Academy, with further details to follow. The school is still taking applications for their FS1 provision for children aged three to four years, offering both 15 and 30 hours per week. For further information, please contact the school.

KILNHURST RESOURCE CENTRE: A number of groups regularly meet at the centre for local residents to get involved with, including bingo on Wednesday afternoons from 1pm and Kilnhurst Community Choir on Thursdays from 7.30pm.

HEDGEHOG AWARENESS WEEK: The British Hedgehog Preservation Society (BHPS) is a UK charity, whose aim is to protect hedgehogs and raise awareness of how we can all help to protect hedgehogs in the wild. With that in mind, the BHPS is asking local residents to ‘Welcome Wildlife’ during Hedgehog Awareness Week this week and make their gardens hedgehog-friendly by creating a safe space for the hedgehogs. Hedgehog-friendly features can include making hedgehog highways - these are small square gaps in the bottom of fences and walls that allow hedgehogs to get in and out easier, making log piles and leaf piles for shelter, providing clean shallow bowls of water in the garden, not using pesticides and ensuring any netting used in the garden is raised off the ground by 30cms so hedgehogs can safely pass underneath it. For more information, visit


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Karen Wilkes Tel 07930 438313 or email [email protected]

THE SALVATION ARMY: 158 High Street, Kimberworth S61 2BE. Telephone 01709 558435. Email rotherham@ SUNDAYS – 10.30am for our relaxed and relevant church gathering. TUESDAY – 9.30-10.30am coffee morning, 10.30-11.30am Bible Study Group. WEDNESDAY – 9-11am playgroup for pre-schoolers and their grown-ups. THURSDAY – Youth Group. FRIDAY – prayer gathering. Follow us on Facebook for our special events.

ST THOMAS’ CHURCH: On Peter Street. Kimberworth. Our services are at 10am each Sunday. Baptisms and all age services are usually the third Sunday of each month but the next is June 16. Lots of fun for all the family. On May 11 we are having our Whit Sunday Service. Other dates to note for the community centre – coffee mornings are 10am to noon on the first Wednesday of the month, the next is June 5; if you live alone or just want some company, please come to our Good Companions session 1.30pm to 3.30pm the first and third Thursday of each month, a warm welcome awaits you, the next sessions are May 16 and June 6. For any further information for banns, weddings, christenings or the graveyard, please contact Rev Diane on [email protected].

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S61 LITTER ACTION GROUP: The S61 Litter Pickers continue their commitment to keep the area as clean as possible. Volunteers have been out tackling various litter hotspots around the area and are always welcome, so please come and join us and help make a difference. Equipment is provided and details of future litter picks can be found on our Facebook page or contact Neil on 07960 507582.


Karen Wilkes Tel 07930 438313 or email [email protected]

ST JOHN’S CHURCH: For enquiries, telephone 01709 551652. On Sunday there was a service of Morning Worship at 10.30am. The Art and Crafts course continued yesterday (Wednesday) and the Drop-In is open again today (Thursday) from 11am to 1pm with free coffee, tea and cake. On Sunday at 10.30am there will be a service of Morning Worship. All are welcome.

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KIMBERWORTH PARK WALKING FOR PLEASURE: Kimberworth Park Walking for Pleasure meets at St John’s Church on Wednesday mornings at 9.45am. On May 1, the group walked down to the Ring O’ Bells before crossing over to Bassingthorpe Woods. After walking through the woods to meet Bassingthorpe Lane, we descended and turned onto the footpath that led us towards Hartley Lane allotments and Clough Road. After crossing Wortley Road, we walked through Bradgate Park and onto Bradgate Lane. From there we ascended towards Kimberworth Park Road and made our way back to St John’s Church for refreshments. Anyone wishing to join the group should contact Karen Wilkes – email [email protected]. Website can be viewed at where a timetable of walks can be viewed as well as a gallery of photos of previous walks.

KIMBERWORTH PARK CLUB 50+: The Kimberworth Park Club 50+ meets in The Black Hut on Kimberworth Park Road (next door to Redscope School) every Wednesday from 12 noon to 2.30pm. We play three cash prize bingo games and have four cash prize raffles. At half time we have hot drinks with cakes or biscuits, all for £4.50. We have clothing and bric-a-brac sales, Donations welcome. Please phone P Fairbrother on 07947090607 for more information or Phil Moody on 07842547017 for room hire or karate/fitness sessions.

ST JOHN’S GREEN STAKEHOLDER GROUP: The group which consists of residents, business owners, councillors, RMBC housing and estates staff, police, church members, community groups, children and young peoples’ services etc meets regularly at St John’s Church to discuss ideas and problems in the area.

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KIMBERWORTH PARK COMMUNITY PARTNERSHIP: Membership of the Community Partnership is open to residents of the estate and to others who work there, whether employed or voluntary. Meetings are held regularly to update members on the developments that have taken place over the past year and the plans for making a difference to the estate. Phone the Community Partnership at the Chislett Centre on 01709 559805. Next meeting June 12 3.30pm.

S61 LITTER ACTION GROUP: The S61 Litter Pickers continue their commitment to keep the area as clean as possible. On Sunday May 5, we tackled Hudson’s Rough aka Wingfield Woods and removed 13 bags of litter. Next Sunday May 12, we will be tackling Wingfield Road, meeting outside the Academy at 10am. If you fancy getting involved, please check out our Facebook page or contact Neil on 07960 507582. Volunteers are always welcome, so please come and join us and help make a difference. Equipment is provided.

BARKER’S PARK BOWLING CLUB: We bowl all year round and have our own winter league. Bowling is a friendly way to spend a couple of hours for young and old alike and if you do not want to bowl come and join us for a cup of tea and a chat. The bowling club also has facilities for disabled players. We have bowling aids for those who cannot bend, and specially adapted wheelchairs are available to use on the greens, but the player will need to be accompanied by a carer to use one of these. We are hoping to organise a bowling tournament in July. New members welcome – please contact the club on 07837460152.

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CHISLETT COMMUNITY GYM: Chislett Centre S61 3JT. Small friendly low cost gym - £3 per session. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday 10am–12 noon. Instructor is GP referral and pre- and post-natal trained. Individual support and free induction. For information/booking, phone Sam on 07523889765 or email [email protected].

KIMBERWORTH PARK TARA: Open for breakfasts, Monday to Wednesday 9–11am. Byrley Road. Clothes, bric-a-brac, toys, books, DVDs etc are on sale. Donations welcome. A meeting to discuss community issues is held at 11am on the first Wednesday of every month.

TAI CHI CLASSES FOR SENIORS: Mondays 10.30am to 11.30am at the Black Hut on Kimberworth Park Road. Contact Peter on 01709 547918

MUSICALITY: Meet 11.30am Thursdays, Chislett Centre.


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MALTBY LOCAL HISTORY SOCIETY: Maltby Local History Society will be anticipating the National Commemoration of the D Day Landings at its forthcoming informal open meeting to be held at The Wesley Centre, Blyth Road at 2pm on Thursday May 16. The focus will be on the Home Front where worries about men serving in Normandy and elsewhere were not helped by the need for women to undertake war work and also to keep families fed on what were, by then, meagre rations. Non-members new to the society will be made welcome free of charge. Anyone wishing to get in touch with the group or to receive copies of its publications is invited to email the society’s address [email protected] or to get in touch by telephone on 01709 812035.

THE WESLEY CENTRE ACTIVITIES: Blyth Road, Maltby, Rotherham, S66 8JD. Telephone 01709 811118.

BENEFIT AND ADVICE SERVICES: Thursday at the Maltby Service Centre, Kiveton Park Independent Advice will be available for drop in advice between 9.30-11.30am. Wednesdays and Saturdays, Maltby Town Council at Edward Dunn run advice sessions to help with benefits. Booking essential please call 01709814060.

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ANDYS MAN CLUB: Maltby at Brooklands Club, 110 Rotherham Road, Maltby, Rotherham S66 8NA. Doors open from 6.30pm. Not counselling, no referral needed. The aim of the club is to provide men with a safe space where they feel comfortable to talk and open up about their experiences in a room free of judgment. See


ST PAUL’S CHURCH: Sunday May 5 – 6 in Easter, the service was led by Rev Phil Batchford throughout. Readings by Bev Smith and Peter Stribbley, prayers conducted by Rev Phil Batchford. Servers Bev Smith, Alan Oxley and Peter Stribbley. Ascension Day May 9 - service held at Rotherham Minster. Next service at St Paul’s Sunday May 12 starting 10.30am Holy Communion. Friday May 31 – light breakfast 10am till 1pm, toast, crumpets or toasted tea cakes with tea or coffee, held in the church, all monies taken will be donated to St Paul’s Church boiler, everyone welcome. Saturday June 1 – starting at 11am until 1pm Spring Fair and Table Top Sale.

ST BEDE’S CHURCH: Last Sunday was the sixth Sunday of Eastertide. Masses were celebrated for John Diskin, Special Intention [J.R.], Catherine Stacey, Sue Rymer [LD], Special intention Les Richardson, Neva Maria Gonsalez [sick], Robert Gillard [A], and a private Intention. Thursday May 9 was the feast of the Ascension. Congratulations to Scarlett Parry, James Sayles and Oliver Jenkinson who made their First Holy Communion last weekend. CHURCH CLEANING – The next date for cleaning will be Monday May 13 after 9.30am Mass. If you are able to spare a little time your help is always very much appreciated. RED MISSION BOXES – If you have a Mission Box that needs emptying, please feel free to drop it off at church for counting after any of the Masses. SOCIAL AND FUNDRAISING MEETING – The recent meeting discussed plans for the Feast of St Bede on Saturday May 25. There will be a shared table after the Mass at noon. If you are planning to attend, please add your name to the list in the porch so that numbers can be worked out for catering. There is a separate list if you would also like to contribute to the shared table. A number of other suggestions for the social life of the parish were raised at the meeting including a Yorkshire Evening, with a pie and pea supper and raffle, a book club, a bible group, craft sessions and social lunchtimes – more details to follow soon. The next meeting will be on Saturday May 18 after the Mass at midday – all welcome.

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ST BEDE’S CHURCH LITTER PICKING GROUP: Inspired by youngsters from St Bede’s Primary School, it has been suggested that a church litter picking group could be formed as part of the Rotherham Council Love the Place You Live initiative, to help keep the church pathways and surrounding pavements litter free. Before contacting the council to register and obtain the necessary equipment, it would be helpful to know if there would be any volunteers willing to participate. If you would like to be involved please let Fr know as soon as possible. Thank you.


Ruth Booth-Rodgers Email [email protected]

FOODBANK: Unfortunately, the foodbank that runs from Swinton Lock Activity Centre will be closing in May, with the last collection being held on Wednesday May 22. The foodbank supports around 78 families, plus couples and individuals in and around the local community each week, totalling up to 350 food bags per week and leaflets have been put in the most current food parcels to let people know about the closure. The centre relies on funding to run the foodbank and this is unfortunately ending in May, resulting in the closure. Anyone needing a foodbank referral to another location can contact Citizens Advice. Thank you to the staff and volunteers for all your help and to everyone who has supported the foodbank during its time at the centre.

SWINTON LOCK ACTIVITY CENTRE: Although the foodbank will shortly be closing, the activity centre will still be providing its other regular support services, including the Men in Sheds group, the youth club and the community boat trips, amongst others. Staff and volunteers are currently supporting students from Dearne Valley College with their volunteer hours, as well as progressing with the community garden project. Volunteers have also been hard at work in the park situated behind the centre, mowing and carrying out general gardening tasks.

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SUMMER READING CHALLENGE: Swinton Library is taking part in the Summer Reading Challenge that will launch on July 6. The challenge encourages children to keep reading throughout the summer holidays from school, with children aged 4-14 years being invited to set a reading goal and collect rewards for their continued reading. The challenge is free to take part in and aims to help children become more independent in their reading, therefore boosting their self confidence, as well as preparing them for the return to school after the summer break. For more information and to take part in the challenge, visit the library or go online at

BUG HOTEL: A number of bug hotels have been installed around Swinton to encourage wildlife to return to the local areas. A lot of work has been going on recently at the new nature site created at the Wood Street allotments and volunteers from the New York Bakery Co. Bagels, along with the team from the Wildlife Trust for Sheffield and Rotherham, have been hard at work clearing reeds and litter to create a space on the allotments to house two new bug hotels.

SWINTON COMMUNITY FOCUS GROUP: Volunteers from the group carried out a litter pick around Swinton Train Station last week, filling over 14 bags with rubbish. Some of the volunteers then went in to do some planting and general maintenance at the train station. Thank you to everyone involved.

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PLANNING APPEAL: A planning inspector has upheld Rotherham Council’s decision to reject a planning application for the site of the former King’s Head pub in Swinton. The application was originally submitted to the council for the conversion of the building into residential dwellings with a further four houses proposed to be built in the car park, but Rotherham Council rejected the plans due to concerns of overdevelopment of the site. The company behind the application subsequently appealed, but this has now been rejected.

MEXBOROUGH NEIGHBOURHOOD NETWORK: Volunteers from the group have been active as usual around the community, carrying out litter picks in a number of areas, including around the footpaths leading to Derwent and Taunton Gardens, on Victoria Road and the field between Hallgate and Hirstgate, which was reported to a local ward councillor as it was in such a sorry state. Thank you for all your hard work.

THE POETRY TAKEAWAY: On Monday May 20, The Poetry Takeaway van will be visiting Mexborough Market to bring a morning of poetry to the local community. This free to attend event will take place from 9.30am-12 noon and will include children from New Pastures Primary School reading poetry, and visitors to the Poetry Takeaway Van will be able to take away poems as a reminder of their time with the local poets. Heritage Doncaster’s Moving Museum will be at the event sharing stories and The National Literacy Trust will be giving away free books. For more information, visit the-poetry-takeaway-in-mexborough. To register your interest, visit

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DOG DAISY COMMUNITY GROUP: A craft and gift fair is being organised by the Dog Daisy Community Group for May 24. The craft fayre will take place from 10am-4pm at Derwent Road community hall and will include craft and gift stalls. Anyone interested in having a stall at the event, can message the group via their Facebook page.

MEXBOROUGH CRICKET CLUB: The club is welcoming new players of all ages and abilities to come along to their training sessions, with a view to joining the club. For more information, visit the club’s Facebook page.

FOX GALLERY: The gallery’s Spring Art Open Evening will take place on Friday May 10 from 6-8pm to launch their next exhibition. The evening will give the gallery the opportunity to showcase artwork that has been submitted by local artists on the theme of People, Places, Economy & Legacy, inspired by the heritage of the local mining communities. The artwork on display will include paintings, ceramics, sculptures, photography and more, and the gallery has also received a number of mining artefacts from local residents. The exhibition will be open until Saturday June 29 and entry is free. For more information, email [email protected] or telephone 01709 590005.

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DON CATCHMENT RIVERS TRUST: The trust has opened its latest photography competition and is asking local residents to help tell the story of the River Don by submitting local photographs. Photographs must be submitted by midday on September 30 and winning photographs will be included in the trust’s 2025 charity calendar and in a public gallery. Entrants are asked to submit photographs that tell the story of the river Don throughout the Doncaster area, including Mexborough, Denaby and Conisbrough, with the competition having four themed categories - 1 A Transformed Landscape, 2 Industrial Heritage, 3 Formerly A Polluted River, 4 Recovery of Wildlife. A maximum of ten images can be entered per category and all images must be taken from within the area of the project. For more information regarding the competition and full terms and conditions, visit 3UqCNYT. The trust will also be holding a spring walk around Melton Woods near Sprotbrough on Friday May 10. This one-off event is a free guided walk around the woods, looking at and learning about all the spring wildflowers, and is part of the All Hands on the Don project. Anyone wishing to attend the event is asked to meet at the Melton Woods Country Park car park DN5 7ED to start at 10am, and to wear suitable footwear for walking through the woods, with refreshments provided at the end of the walk. For more information and to let the trust know you would like to attend the event, email [email protected].


Mrs Jill Rhodes Tel 01709 210072 or email [email protected]

THE SALVATION ARMY: In Rawmarsh. Regular activities: Tuesdays - coffee morning 10am-12.30pm, parent and toddlers 9.30-11am; Fridays - dementia support group 12 noon-3pm. Sunday Worship 4pm. For further information, email [email protected] or call captain Sandra Chamberlain 01709 524653. Meet at The Salvation Army Church and Community Centre, Quarry street (opposite the Stagecoach bus garage) S62 7DB.

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RAWMARSH RUNNERS: As part of National Children’s Day, the group will be taking part in the junior parkrun in support of Rawmarsh Foodbank. The Run for Rawmarsh Foodbank will take place on Sunday May 12 from 9am in Rosehill Victoria Park, and is open to to everyone, with children aged 4-14 years receiving a timed finish. Runners are asked to bring a small tin or packet of food, such as pasta or rice, run with the item and then put it in the collection box at the finish of the parkrun, with donations going to the foodbank. For more information and to sign up for free, visit the Facebook page of Rosehill Victoria junior parkrun.

RAWMARSH FOODBANK: Volunteers at the foodbank are always grateful for all the donations of groceries and toiletries received from the local community. Recent donations have included ones from Rawmarsh Runners and Tesco in Wath, which is now a donation drop off point. Further drop off points can be found at Rawmarsh Community Library on Barbers Avenue, the High Street Centre in Rawmarsh and the Drop-In Centre on Harding Avenue in Rawmarsh, where donations can be dropped off on Wednesdays from 10am-12.30pm.

RAWMARSH AND PARKGATE LOCAL HISTORY GROUP: The next meeting of the History Group will be on Saturday May 11 at the High Street Centre. The meeting will feature a presentation on The Forgotten Blitz - Zeppelin Raids on Sheffield in 1916. The presenter will be Graham Sykes. No doubt there will be mentions made in the meeting of the zeppelin raid made on Rawmarsh in 1917 when a bomb caused damage close to the Queen’s Hotel in Ryecroft. The meeting will start at 2.30pm and will be followed by the usual free refreshments and local chat. Cost on entry for the meeting will be £1 for members and £2 for others.

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RAWMARSH TOWNSWOMEN’S GUILD: Members meet on the second Thursday of each month at the Drop In Centre, Harding Avenue Rawmarsh S62 7ED at 10am until 12noon. At a recent meeting, David Marshall from Sheffield Area Kidney Association gave a most interesting talk. The members were able to present him with a cheque to the value of £200 as a result of their recent silent auction. Please note - the meeting on June 13 will be held at St Nicolas’ Church, Kilnhurst Road, Rawmarsh S62 5NG when, at 10.30am, there will be entertainment from the Kilnhurst Community Choir. Members always look forward to this event as members of the public are invited to attend. Entrance is £2. Tea/coffee will be served and there will also be a raffle. Everyone welcome. Any enquiries, please contact Helen on 01709 551251.

9TH ROTHERHAM SCOUT GROUP: This week the beavers were working on their Healthy Eating Badge. They tried different fruit and vegetables. The cubs made a start on their Space Badge and were making a cut out 3D moon. The scouts continued their Arts Badge doing a ‘rubbish catwalk’, repurposing recycling into an outfit. The group is looking for beavers and scouts to join them. Anyone who is interested, they meet on Monday at the Salvation Army, Quarry Street in Rawmarsh, the beavers from 5.45pm to 7.30pm and scouts from 7.30-9pm. For more information please go to and search 9th Rotherham.

RAWMARSH METHODIST CHURCH: On Sunday May 5, the morning service was taken by Rev Louise Makin. Holy Communion and the General Church Meeting formed the basis of the service. On Tuesday May 7, the Prayer Group met at 10.30am and the Chit Chat Cafe was open for refreshments. Gifts for the foodbank were warmly received. Coffee was served at the close of the service. All are welcome to any activity and service which are all held at the High Street Centre.


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Mrs Toni Leach Email [email protected]

RAVENFIELD OLD PEOPLE'S SOCIAL FUND: Our next coffee morning is on Wednesday May 15 at Ravenfield Parish Hall. Starting at 10am. You are all welcome. If you are a newcomer, you will find we are all very friendly. Now be informed, we have 8 tickets left for our day trip to the medieval market town of Stratford-upon-Avon. Setting off at the earlier time of 8am. Price £15. The 16th century birthplace of William Shakespeare has lots of attractions, like Anne Hathaway’s cottage, Bancroft Gardens, canal and river tours plus a cracking butterfly farm. It will be a good day. You can contact me (Geoff) on 547167 or 07724874304 or Christine on 07387698971.

RAVENFIELD FETE: This is the last call for any craft, gift or business stalls to be part of our annual event. It is a fabulous family day for the community. The free event takes place on Jubilee Field on June 15 11am-4pm. If you are interested please email [email protected] We will soon be looking for volunteers to help deliver our leaflet across the parish. Please keep an eye on group’s Facebook page if you can help.


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THORPE HESLEY LIBRARY: For all enquiries, call 0114 245 7027.


THURCROFT LIBRARY: For information, call 01709 546150.


Mrs Jill Rhodes Tel 01709 210072 or email [email protected]

SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITY: Wath Academy have once again secured Sheffield City Hall for the 2024 Academy Awards. This event will take place on Wednesday July 10. During the evening, a number of students will be rewarded with a range of awards as well as watching the Academy’s best musicians, dancers and actors. There will be over 2,000 free tickets for students, parents/carers and the community for what promises to be an exceptional night. The support of sponsors is invaluable. All the money raised goes directly into making the event even more special for the students. Anyone who is interested in supporting the event through sponsoring an award or advertising your business in the programme, please contact the Academy on [email protected].


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WENTWORTH PARISH COUNCIL: At the parish council meeting in March, it was reported that lights would be fitted to properties in Friers Croft due to complaints about how dark it was around the area; the bench in the area is also to be replaced. With reference to speeding in and around the village, it was reported that Rotherham Council is considering traffic schemes for the whole area, as opposed to looking at speeding problems on individual roads. In the meantime, the possibility of traffic calming measures for Main Street is being looked into and the 40mph zone has been approved for Hague Lane. It was also reported that there had been one complaint regarding the proposed speed bumps in Harley and new road markings have been approved for Lea Brook Lane. With reference to maintenance issues, the benches are now being completed and the street light on Clayfield Lane has been repaired. Unfortunately, the playing fields have been too wet to cut due to the inclement weather; it is hoped that a lighter machine might help and this will be explored. The dog fouling stencils used in Harley have unfortunately washed away due to the rainy weather as they are only temporary, but it is hoped to use the stencils again in the better weather. The expenses for March were approved and it was confirmed that the bank account with the Royal Bank of Scotland had been closed. Some residents have complained about the gates to the church being closed, which has prevented cars from parking on the grass outside the church. It was stated that the gates had been closed due to the issue of the cars churning up the grass.

WENTWORTH HOLY TRINITY CHURCH: The Annual Parochial Church Meeting (APCM) will be held on Sunday May 12 at 12.15pm, after the Sunday service. As well as reviewing the past year, the meeting is also when new members for the Parochial Church Council are voted for. The church is working with the buildings officer from the Diocese of Sheffield to plan some heritage tours of both the church and the Old Church. These will be a good opportunity for local residents to learn about the history of the church buildings. Parishioners are invited to attend Heart of Worship sessions at Rotherham Minster this summer. The sessions will take place at 4.30pm on Sunday May 19, June 16 and July 21 and will include around 75 minutes of music and prayer, followed by refreshments. For more information, email Rev Justine Smith at Justine.smith@rotherhamminster. A May Day concert will be held in church on May 18 at 7.30pm. The Rotherham Symphony Orchestra will perform their first concert at the church, with tickets being available on the door and from Wentworth Post Office.


Elaine Reynard Tel 07825 558070 or email [email protected]

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WHISTON PARISH COUNCIL - A POTTED HISTORY - PART 3: This is a further excerpt from Tony Griffin’s (and Hazel Hopps’) ‘potted history’ of the parish council, as presented at a recent meeting of Whiston Heritage Society, and includes interesting facts and notes about Whiston, taken from parish council and other archives. Beginning with the history of Churchfields, this was: * Sold by the Ecclesiastical Commission and the Rev Augustus Allton in 1928, to the Rhodes family (farmers); * WPC Minutes 1/45 Mr Rhodes not prepared to sell, RRDC to be asked to schedule the site for preservation as an open space, the Town Planning Committee agreed to do so; * WPC Minutes 6/45 Further discussion about it being bought to use as a playing field, which was also agreed by the Town Planning Committee; * The last owners in the Rhodes family (Frances Mary White) then sold to the present owners in 1983; * There is a covenant (still held by the White family) restricting the land’s use to agricultural or grazing; * Last year there was a public meeting with the owners, organised by Whiston Parish Council. Further facts from Parish Notices and in 1940s, 50s and 60s show: 1945 (June) - Decided not to arrange VE celebrations until peace was officially declared; 1945 - Pleasley Road concrete roadblock demolished, all the houses in the village to be numbered, purchase of public shelter opposite the Sitwell Arms for conversion to a toilet; 1948 - Cottages at the bottom of Hungerhills demolished, Newman School opened; 1950 - Traffic lights installed at Whiston crossroads; 1951 – Electricity arrived in the Pieces South; 1953 - Two houses in the quarry demolished, as were cottages on Church Hill; 1966 - West Riding Police say no to providing an additional constable to the village; 1967 - Keys for the Tennis Courts were let for a fee of 10 shillings each for the summer months. An old, but undated, copy of the Sheffield Star newspaper features a report about Whiston entitled Village in Revolt and begins with the words: “Whiston, near Rotherham, doesn’t look like the kind of place where a revolt would start, especially when the sun’s out over the old village, dappling the hillside houses and ancient sleepy church”. This is in light of what was seen as “a radical plot to put forward independent candidates … with a view … to make Whiston one of the show villages of the West Riding” because it was “falling behind in modern amenities and recreational facilities. We don’t think the parish council is a place for politics at all.” The image of picturesque Whiston as part of the network of a revolt of the villages isn’t particularly easy to conjure up, but that’s progress for you… The advertising poster for parish council elections in May 1970, show photographs of ‘Your Go-Ahead Team’, comprising Dennis Bartholomew (funeral director), D B Clark (glass manufacturer), R Ducker (company director), G Foers (farmer), W Gray (local master decorator), Geoffrey Machon (present chairman), Bernard Roberts (local publican), Peter J Sumner (commercial manager and local magistrate) and Alan Thickett (quality manager). In May 1970, the new parish hall was opened, using stone from cottages originally next door, and included a new clinic. In May 1971, Whiston Civic Society was inaugurated and had much crossover with the parish council. The main aims of the Civic Society were to promote a high standard of planning and architecture in the village, and to preserve, develop and improve the features of history or particular interest in the village. Membership was just £1. Finally, and to link the old and the new, with history almost repeating itself, an article from the Rotherham Advertiser of February 16, 1974 reports that Councillor Billy Gray, chairman of Whiston Parish Council, had given a special 100th ‘birthday present’ to the village by paying for the repair of the clock on Whiston Methodist Church. Councillor Gray said the clock hadn’t worked for many years, so to mark the 100th anniversary of its installation, together with his own year in office, he was happy to foot the bill as he said the clock was a “symbol of the old days”. Now, almost 50 years on, the same clock has just undergone further repair and restoration, partly funded by a donation from Whiston Parish Council. Thank you to Tony and Hazel for some interesting historical WPC facts which have been printed here over the last three weeks. I wonder what we will be reading in Rotherham Advertiser Whiston News in another 100 years time?

WHISTON PARISH CHURCH: To make arrangements for weddings, please ring 01709 519025 or email [email protected] and for baptisms contact 01709 836052 or email [email protected]. For information regarding children and young people activities, get in touch with Lucy Luckock on 07707863901. For further information, contact our oversight minister Rev Karen Skidmore on 01709 836052 or churchwarden Alan Teale on 07803021201, or see the church website at or Facebook page. Email [email protected].

WHISTON METHODIST CHURCH: Margaret Smith led last Sunday morning’s service and Barbara Shaw played the organ. The evening service was conducted by Rev Andrew Fox. David Pinder was the organist. The Chapel Crafters met on Tuesday and the community coffee morning was on Thursday. The preacher next Sunday will be Rev Louise Makin at 10.30am.The plant sale will take place on Saturday May 11 from 10am to 12 noon. There will be a variety of plants for sale including bedding plants, perennials, tomato plants and much more. Refreshments will be served and there will be a raffle and tombola. Why not come along and join us?

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WHISTON YOUTH CLUB: Having been closed last week because of local elections, we will reopen as normal this evening, Thursday May 9. For more info search Whiston Youth Club on social media.

11TH ROTHERHAM BROWNIES: The Brownies continue working towards the Be Well Theme Award including DNA Amazing Skillbuilder led by Eagle Owl and continue with Century Time Travel Unit Meeting Activity with Wise Owl. The new Brownies are having fun learning the Brownie Promise and what it means.

50TH ROTHERHAM BROWNIE PACK: We continued working towards the Olympic badge last week with team building exercises which involved working in sixes to communicate using some of our senses. Some of the girls found not being able to speak to pass on messages very difficult. They were also very excited to be told about this year’s Brownie Holiday which will take place in October at Guide House, Hesley Woods, with lots more information and planning to look forward to.

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WHISTON ALLOTMENT AND GARDEN SOCIETY GARDEN SHOP: Our garden shop is open to the public and allotment holders every Saturday, from 10am to 12 noon. The shop, located on Bank View, Whiston S60 4EZ carries a full range of composts, bagged manure, fertilisers, feeds, canes, liquids and much much more, all at competitive prices. Why not benefit from becoming an affiliate member at an annual cost of £2 per person, when you will receive further discounts on your orders? When visiting the shop, just ask to join and you will receive a discount card. Why not go along one Saturday morning to see what’s in stock?

PROBUS GROUP: No matter what your age, providing you are retired you would be most welcome to join us at one of our interesting talks. Future topics will include: Helipads for Hospitals (May 14), The English Reformation (May 21), Cruising to Pompeii (June 6), 30 Years in Local Radio (June 11) and, don’t miss our visit to Rotherham’s Chapel-on-the-Bridge (June 18) when you will get to hear the chapel’s fascinating history. Further into the year, and leading up to our summer break, there will be a summer quiz, with prizes (June 25), Tunnel 57 (July 9), and Idioms - are they just for fun? (July 23). We are a friendly group and would love to see you - just come along on any Tuesday morning at 10.30am to Broom Methodist Church.


ST ALBAN’S CHURCH: Services on Sunday were Communion at 9.15am, All Age Worship at 10.45am and Evening Prayer at 6pm. The Beta Bible Study Group met on Monday evening to complete study of Paul’s Epistle to Titus. The Ascension Day Communion Service will be held in the Barn on Thursday May 9 at 10am. There will be a Prayer Morning at St Alban’s on Saturday May 11 9.30am to 11am. All welcome to attend. Christian Aid collecting envelopes will be available in church from May 12-18. At Pentecost, Sunday May 19, there will be only two services in church - 10am Communion and 6pm Festal Evensong.

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WICKERSLEY NEIGHBOURHOOD GROUP (WING): At the meeting on Wednesday May 1 the Bluebell Wood fundraising stall raised £40. Games of bingo were played and a raffle was held. The speaker at the May 8 meeting was Pat McLaughlan. He gave a talk on Grand Old Houses Through Time. Singer Keeley May will be entertaining members on May 15.


Mrs Jill Rhodes Tel 01709 210072 or email [email protected]

FIBROMYALGIA GROUP: Based at the Herringthorpe United Reformed Church at the Stag roundabout. Meet once a month on the first Saturday in every month at 12pm-2pm. Feel free to join us everyone is welcome.

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ROTHERHAM METRO RAMBLERS: Saturday May 11 – choice of 2 walks: first is a leisurely 6 mile walk to view Wickersley Silverwood bluebells, led by Glenna Briggs 07816949598, this is part of the Wickersley Walking Festival, meet at 10am in Wickersley Park car park, Warren Road, Wickersley S66 2HG; second is an 8.4 mile moderate walk from Kirkburton to Shelley and Little Lepton, led by Phil Bullens 07932638002, meet at 10am in car park at 12 Huddersfield Road, Kirkburton HD8 0SJ. Wednesday May 15 – a moderate 8.5 mile walk from Over Haddoled to Lathkill Dale and Bradford Dale, led by Margaret Butler 07778401830, meet at in Over Haddon car park (fee) DE45 1HZ. Saturday May 18 – a leisurely 7 mile walk from Langold to Firbeck and Letwell, led by Dave West 07775766263, meet at 10am in Langold Country Park, Church Street S81 9NR. See for more information.

MAYOR'S PARADE: Following the appointment of Rotherham’s new first citizen, residents are invited to welcome the new Mayor at this annual event. The event this year will take place on Saturday May 18 from 10am in All Saints' Square. Celebrate Rotherham’s rich civic history, watch the procession move through the town centre and see the shiny civic regalia. This event is brought to you by Rotherham Council.

CRAFTERS MARKET: This is a great opportunity for local people to showcase the items they have made in the busy town centre. The market will be on May 10 from 10am to 3pm on Effingham Street in the town. To book your stall, please contact the market team on 01709 365021. The cost of a stall is £7.

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COFFEE MORNING: To be held at St Cuthbert’s Church on Sitwell Park Road, Rotherham on Friday May 17 between 10am and 12 noon. There will be coffee/tea and scrumptious cakes, a raffle and a cake stall. All donations will go to Christian Aid. Everyone welcome.

SAMARITANS: All calls are free of charge and in confidence, call 116123. The group are always on the lookout for more volunteers whether to listen, on the telephone or to support the local branch. To find out more please see

SURVIVORS OF BEREAVEMENT BY SUICIDE: 07984 320948. Email [email protected].

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WEEKLY WELLBEING WALK FOR NEURODIVERSE ADULTS: Clifton Park Museum, Wednesday 1-2pm. Telephone 01709 296262.

ROTHERFED: Emal [email protected].


SARAH CHAMPION: Rotherham MP. Moorgate Crofts Business Centre, South Grove, Rotherham, S60 2DH. Email [email protected]. Website www. Facebook Twitter @SarahChampionMP.

JOHN HEALEY MP: Wentworth & Dearne MP. Telephone 01709 875943. Email [email protected]. Website Facebook JohnHealey Rotherham. Twitter JohnHealey_MP. Instagram johnhealeymp.

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ALEXANDER STAFFORD: Rother Valley MP. Mr Stafford’s office is available to help at all times, and can be contacted by phone at 01909 494952 or by email [email protected], via Twitter, via Facebook or via his website


We do our best to keep our District news information as accurate as possible but in order to do so we need local organisations to let us know of any events and changes to programmes and contacts etc.

You can get in touch with us at any time either directly via [email protected] or through our many contributors who are listed above.

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Since details can change, always check with the organisation before visiting to ensure that an event or facility is still being offered.

The Advertiser takes no responsibility for any inaccurate details in the District News pages.

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