Rotherham couple launch surrogate fundraiser

A CARER couple are aiming to fulfil their dream of extending their family by having their first biological child but they need the public’s help in order to afford a surrogate mother.

Joshua (20) and Ryan Meeds (26), who have been together for three years, decided the time was right to welcome a child into their family, which also includes puppy, Nellie.

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Joshua, originally from London but now of Canklow, said: “I think it’d be quite rewarding.

“Ryan and I are both carers and I’ve always wanted to have a chance to be in a family.

“If we don’t raise the money, we’ll have to go down the route of adoption, but we’d like to have a biological child.”

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The couple, who have launched an online fundraising appeal, said they were looking to raise up to £15,000 to pay for a surrogate pregnancy.

“It was probably last year when we started talking about how nice it would be having children,” said Joshua. “But obviously it’s a lot of money so that’s why we set up our fundraiser.

“We have some money but it costs up to £15,000.

“It’s not something you can just pay for out of your pocket.

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Once we know we are close to our target, we’ll start looking for a surrogate.

“It would be nice to reach our goal in the next two years.”

Visit to make a donation to their appeal.