MP Sarah praises Rotherham’s independent shops

SARAH Champion praised the “vital” contribution of independent shops to Rotherham’s economy as she backed Small Business Saturday.

The event, started in 2013, aims to highlight how little firms help to increase the diversity of stores in towns and cities.

Rotherham MP Ms Champion said: “We should do all we can to thank them for the vital contribution they make to the local economy.

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“There are lots of great businesses in Rotherham and the campaign is a great way of raising awareness and helping boost trade.”

Meanwhile, Ms Champion has also welcomed an announcement on the progress of the national independent inquiry into child sexual abuse.

Justice Lowell Goddard said last Friday (27) that the first 12 investigations would begin immediately. Ms Champion, the shadow minister for prevention of abuse,

said: “For far too long, the plight of victims and survivors of child sexual exploitation has been ignored.

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“It is with relief that I welcome today’s announcement. Today marks the beginning of a process which will no doubt be long and complex, but I hope that it is the

first step to bringing justice and closure to the victims and survivors of these abhorrent crimes.”