Have your say on benefit cuts

COUNCIL tax benefit cuts will be in the spotlight when Wentworth Valley Area Assembly meets next Tuesday .

COUNCIL tax benefit cuts will be in the spotlight when Wentworth Valley Area Assembly meets on Tuesday .

Residents are invited to discuss the Government’s planned changes to welfare and tax benefits and find out how to take part in local consultation.

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Assembly chairman Cllr Chris Read said: “The funding cuts are being made in such a way as to back councils into a corner.

“Independent research suggests that some residents could be hit by increases in their council tax bills of £300 a year or more.

“I hope that local people will be able to attend this meeting to help the council do all that it can to limit the worst possible effects of these changes in very challenging financial times.”

The assembly covers Wickersley, Bramley, Hellaby, Maltby, Flanderwell and Sunnyside. The meeting is at 6pm at Wickersley Library.