‘Comforting’ gesture by homeware retailer

THE Rotherham branch of a homewares retailer has donated soft furnishings to provide a comforting environment at a new bereavement suite for those who experience the loss of a baby.

Dunelm has supported the Rotherham Hospital and Community Charity by donating duvets, kitchenware and other soft furnishings to the charity’s new Purple Butterfly Suite at Rotherham Hospital.

The existing suite has recently been relocated to the front of the labour ward, adjacent to the reception, to ensure parents who suffer the tragic loss of a child can grieve in private and away from other families.

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Rachael Dawes, head of fundraising at the charity, said: “I want to say a massive thank you to Dunelm Rotherham and store manager Scott Barstow for generously donating homeware items for our Purple Butterfly Room.

“The items kindly donated by Scott and the team at Dunelm were desperately needed so that we could make the room look and feel as comforting as possible.”

Scott Barstow, store manager of the Dunelm Rotherham branch on Canklow Meadows Estate, said: “As a foster carer myself, this appeal was very close to my heart.

“When we were contacted by charity manager Suzanne Rutter and the team, we jumped at the opportunity to help in any way that we could.”