Bethany Bradshaw is Macmillans top young fund-raiser

AN ELEVEN-year-old girl who became a committed cancer charity fund-raiser after joining a collection while shopping with her parents has received recognition for her efforts.

Dinnington Community School pupil Bethany Bradshaw offered to help Macmillan volunteers as they carried out a collection at the Dinnington branch of Tesco last spring.

Now she has become one of the charity’s top young fund-raisers, hosting her own coffee morning, gathering the support of businesses to create and raffle a special hamper and helping with numerous supermarket collections throughout the region.

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Mum, Christina, of Manor Road, Dinnington, said: “It was amazing how Bethany threw herself into the fund-raising.

“After helping out with the collection at Tesco she immediately set about approaching businesses in Dinnington to provide items for a hamper to raffle off for Macmillan and the response she got was fantastic.

“I think her motivation comes from the fact that her nan-nan, Sheila Clarke, died of breast cancer in 2006. Bethany just wants to do all she can to help.”

Bethany said: “I find it really upsetting to think about what people with cancer might be going through and how much Macmillan can help. I’m just happy to help in any way I can.”

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Last month, Bethany received a letter from Macmillan fund-raising manager Rob Turner praising her efforts.

And charity volunteer Anne Clarke, who was one of the collection team who encouraged her to get involved following her initial interest at Tesco, said: “Bethany was a fantastic discovery for the charity.

“It is so refreshing to see someone of her age so keen to help the charity. She really is a breath of fresh air.

“Bethany’s succeeded in helping to raise an awful lot of money already and her commitment is something to be admired.”


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