People to have say in future of Dinnington

A DOCUMENT which could give people living in Dinnington more of a say over what happens in their town could be drawn up within a year.

More than 80 people turned out for a special Dinnington St John’s Town Council meeting on Saturday where they launched their own neighbourhood plan.

The initiative — which would be the first in the Rotherham borough — would give people in the town more power and ensure any planning developments are in line with what the community wants.

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Chairman Cllr Dave Smith said: “To get around 80 people turn out for a public meeting about anything is pretty good going and we also had a lot of people put their names down for a working group who will help draw up the plan.

“We are going to select who will be on that group over the next few weeks and are looking at having a meeting in July.

“The maximum amount of time to draw up the plan is two years but it’s feasible to do it within a year. It just depends on how complicated you want t make the plan.”

The working group — which will consist of business owners, residents and councillors — will draw up the plan with the help of a specialist.

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Once drawn up, the document would then need to be approved by people in the town at a referendum.

Cllr Smith said: “It’s important to note that it’s not the town council’s local plan, it’s the people of Dinnington’s plan.

“The working group will be mainly people from the town with some councillors to help, rather than it being council top-heavy.”

For more information visit the town council’s website at