New surgery - at the surgery!

A NEW information and support surgery is being launched in Dinnington – inside a surgery!

Rotherham borough councillor Jeanette Mallinder is launching the new meeting point for the community at the New Street Surgery in Dinnington on January 8 from 9-11am.

The new advice surgery will be held every month.

Cllr Mallinder told the Advertiser: “This will provide information and support on a wide range of subjects from benefits to housing to services for disabled people and their carers.

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“I will have a star guest every month and this month it is Stay Put. This is a non-profiting organisation to support people to stay in their home. I have worked with them for a long time and they provide a brilliant service.

“We are launching on the day a contract they have won to repair or replace boilers. This is for disadvantaged areas of which Dinnington is one.”

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