New call to come down hard on those who sell illegal cigarettes and to kids

COUNCILLORS called for a crackdown on illegal and underage tobacco sales — with smoking said to be a £15 million-a-year detriment to Rotherham.

COUNCILLORS called for a crackdown on illegal and underage tobacco sales — with smoking said to be a £15 million-a-year detriment to Rotherham.

Almost 17 per cent of adults in the borough are smokers, compared to the national average of 13 per cent.

Cllr David Roche presented a motion calling for trading standards and police to focus on illegal tobacco sales, for RMBC to work with schools warning of the dangers and asking the regional health board to provide more support for quitters.

The cabinet member for health said: “We can be pleased with the progress that we’ve made.

“Rotherham is ranked among the best places to give up smoking, coming fourth nationally.

“We have taken several steps, we need to take more.

“We recognise that there’s still a long way to go as smoking is still the biggest driver of health inequalities and poor health in Rotherham, with an estimated cost of £7 million in extra care bill, according to ASH, and early deaths costing Rotherham’s economy some £8 million a year.”

Cllr Dave David Sheppard, cabinet member for social inclusion, warned that colourfully packaged and sweet-smelling vapes were enticing young people into nicotine addictions.

He added: “They should be subject to the same rules as cigarettes, sold in plain packaging and kept out of the sight and reach of children.”

Liberal Democrats councillor Cllr Drew Tarmey said: “Smoking drives inequalities because it takes disposable income away from the poorest residents, that could go on other things.

“But it’s also symptomatic of deprivation in itself and we desperately need to tackle that.”

Conservative councillors backed the motion, but not without criticising the way it had been pitched.

Cllr Lewis Mills said he was all for cracking down on illegal cig sales, especially to children, but added: “It all comes down to this word ‘control’. My god, doesn’t Labour love control.”

Cllr Josh Bacon added: “This Labour motion calls on the Labour-controlled council’s children’s services to work with schools.

“The fact Labour need to present a motion calling upon a department they run to do something it should already be doing blows my mind.”

Cllr Greg Reynolds called for stores caught selling tobacco products to children to be named and shamed.

“Put them on the front page of the Advertiser and say this shop is affecting kids’ health,” he added.

“Let the people decide if they want to carry on being a patron of that particular business.”

And group leader Cllr Simon Ball said the motion already appeared out of date given the government’s pledge last week of more stop smoking support.

“What the government announced is not enough,” said Cllr Roche, who responded to other criticism with: “I haven’t used the word ‘control’ once. I said choice.”

His motion — called Tobacco Control — was passed at the full council meeting last Wednesday.