Millers fan Jai's prom dress with a difference

A MILLERS-mad teen proudly sported her team’s colours when she attended prom at New York Stadium.

Jai Wilson (15), an Oakwood School pupil, wore a unique dress she designed herself.

The gown, in Rotherham United’s colours, also incorporated her mum’s wedding dress.

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Dad Philip Wilson said; “Jai and her four brothers and sisters are all avid Millers fans. In fact we all hold season tickets.

“So it was of no real surprise to me at all when Jai, whose prom dress was made out of her mum’s wedding dress, decided she wanted Rotherham United incorporating in it.”

The bespoke black and white gown featured the letters RUFC in red and diamante detailing.

Jai, of Dale Street, Rawmarsh, paired it with red football socks and black and white trainers - a departure from the usual strappy stiletto.

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She said: “I’ve been a Millers fan since I was a baby. I’m just crazy about them.

“I liked the bottom half of my mum’s wedding dress and wanted to make something with that, in a waistcoat style.”

She added: “My friends loved it. Some of them thought it was quite strange, but they still liked it.

“It’s very important to me to show that I support Rotherham, especially as the prom was at New York Stadium.”

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Jai was meant to be arriving at the prom in a fire engine limo, but it broke down. Instead, she arrived in a red and white Range Rover limo.

Philip added: “I’m proud that, even on her prom day, she supports her local team. She made sure everyone knew that RUFC are her world.” 

See next week’s Advertiser for a special supplement capturing all the highlights of the school proms season.