Milestone reached in project to improve towns and villages

Greasbrough councillors Sarah Allen and Robert Elliott (right) joined projects, initiatives and improvement officer for Rotherham Borough Council Ben Mitchell at Brimmagem Fold, to celebrate the completion of the council's first Towns and Villages Fund Scheme.Greasbrough councillors Sarah Allen and Robert Elliott (right) joined projects, initiatives and improvement officer for Rotherham Borough Council Ben Mitchell at Brimmagem Fold, to celebrate the completion of the council's first Towns and Villages Fund Scheme.
Greasbrough councillors Sarah Allen and Robert Elliott (right) joined projects, initiatives and improvement officer for Rotherham Borough Council Ben Mitchell at Brimmagem Fold, to celebrate the completion of the council's first Towns and Villages Fund Scheme.
COMPLETION of a “green corridor” marked a milestone in a £4 million project aiming to restore pride to rundown parts of the borough.

Greasbrough’s Brimmagen Fold — linking Greasbrough Park with the nearby recreation ground — is the first of 23 schemes to be completed.

The funding was from an RMBC pot set aside in last year’s budget to improve towns and villages with mini projects which might not receive other funding.

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The name Brimmagen Fold comes from old maps of Greasbrough and the development includes a feature entrance, seating, widened footpaths, tree planting and railings.

Ward member Cllr Sarah Allen, RMBC’s deputy leader, said: “By engaging with the local community we’ve been able to use the council’s towns and villages funding on the facilities that really matter to local residents.

“The improvements make the spaces more welcoming and better accessibility make trips between the park and recreation ground safer and more pleasant for visitors.”

Ward colleague Cllr Rob Elliott said: “I’m delighted the works have been completed, the team have done a fantastic job in turning around the project so quickly. The improvements really enhance these much-loved and well-used green spaces.”

Another 22 schemes will be delivered over the next two years. The pot also includes a larger scale project at High Street in Maltby.


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