Maplin prize giveaway bolsters electrical safety drive

AN ELECTRONICS firm is backing the fire service’s bid to switch the public on to the dangers of electrical fires.

Two-thirds of households dangerously overload adapters and extension leads, South Yorkshire Fire and Rescue figures show.

Maplin at Wath has donated a bundle of high-tech products including designer headphones and an HD webcam as competition prizes to raise safety awareness.

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Diane Malpass, SYFR’s head of community safety, said: “Fire safety isn’t even remotely present in the minds of most people.

“That’s why we’ve got to try something different to get people to switch on to potential dangers in their home.

“We were shocked by how little people know about their home electrics and by some of the things they admitted to doing, like leaving electrics on at night and filling extension leads with high-powered equipment.

“We just want to get people thinking about the growing number of electrical items they have in their homes, so they don't suffer a fire in which they could lose everything.”

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Lorraine Carney, the Electrical Safety Council’s senior campaigns manager, said: “We are delighted to support this innovative scheme, and make people aware of where electrical dangers may arise in their homes and how to prevent them.”

Fridges, heaters and washing machines have caused about 100 house fires in Rotherham during the past three years.

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