What’s happening in and around your village ....

MILL DAM CONCERN: Residents living in the Mill Dam area of the town alongside Lindrick Lane have expressed concern about the water that is seeping from the historic pond that is one of the town’s much visited beauty spots. A spokesperson for Tickhill Town Council said: “If you have passed the Mill Dam in the last few days you will have noticed a leak which is getting progressively worse. It has been reported to Doncaster Council and a structural engineer has already inspected the site and believes it to be a failure in the grout and the integrity of the structure is not compromised. Obviously this needs addressing as soon as possible and the plan is to drain the Mill Dam to enable the local authority to find the defective area and to hopefully repair it quickly. If not a contractor will be brought in and a further draining of the pond will be required to carry out a permanent fix. Ideally Doncaster Council will make a temporary repair of some sort and then schedule a more permanent measure to coincide with the renewal of the sluice gate.” A potential serious flooding problem occurred during the winter when the sluice gate would not fully open during the week of wet weather that increased the volume of water passing through the Mill Dam. Doncaster Council solved the problem by drawing off the excess water with a powerful mechanical pump that bypassed the non-operating stuck closed sluice gate thus preventing the flooding of homes in the Lindrick and Home Meadows area.

BELLS RING FOR SUE: The bells of St Mary’s Parish Church peeled out across the town once again on the evening of Thursday, June 9 in tribute to former bell ringing team member the late Sue Evans. A spokesperson for the team said: “We rang the bells non stop for 44 minutes tonight in memory of Sue Evans who was a loyal member of the Tickhill bell ringing team. The team on the night consisted of seven of the original teachers who started the new team at Tickhill along with new tower captain Sharon Patton who learnt to ring with Sue. Thank you to the team of Sharon Patton, Katie Havenhand, Annabelle Prebble, Helen Nichols, Ian Kingston, Ross Havenhand, Jay Downes and Graham Hunt who gave 100 per cent for Sue. We rang the bells fully open as a tribute and in thanksgiving for the life of Sue Evans a much-missed member of the Tickhill team on the eve of her funeral. Our prayers and our thoughts are with her husband Neil, also a team member, and their family.”

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CHURCH SUMMER FAIR: Townsfolk are invited to attend the annual fundraising Summer Fair that is being held in St Mary’s Parish Church on Saturday, June 18 from 2pm to 4pm. There will be lots of stalls that will be of interest to everyone and there will be games to keep the children occupied. The stalls will include a cake stall, plant stall, tombola, raffles, lucky dip, greetings cards, craft stall, toiletries, splat the rat, hoopla, £1 stall and refreshments will be available. There will also be a chance to win a beautiful bouquet of flowers. The money that is raised will help to finance the upkeep of the historic building.

NICK HAS CONFIDENCE: Nick Fletcher, Member of Parliament for the Don Valley constituency, that includes Tickhill where he has his constituency office, has advised Tickhill townsfolk that he supported Prime Minister Boris Johnson in the confidence vote that was held in Westminster on Monday, June 6. Bawtry resident Mr Fletcher said: “I supported the Prime Minister as I believe that this is the right thing to do. I am tired of this topic playing into the hands of the opposition, remainers and the mainstream media. We lose our Prime Minister we will lose Brexit, our nation’s recovery and the levelling up. I cannot let this happen, Doncaster has waited too long. Levelling up is our time to secure our next generation’s future and I will not let this opportunity pass. The Prime Minister was the right man in 2019 and he is the right man now. He got Brexit done. He got us through Covid. He vaccinated a nation. He is a hero in Ukraine. And he is now helping families across the nation with their cost of living while still keeping a check on Net Zero. To thank the Prime Minister by putting him through this is a travesty and I will play no part.”  

LATEST FESTIVAL HEADLINER: Tickhill businessman Steve Madin the main organiser of the Tickhill Music Festival (T-Fest) has announced another headline act that will be appearing on the main stage at the big event that takes place at Bawtry’s Memorial Sports Ground on Sunday, September 17 from noon to 11pm. Steve said: “Just when you thought that our main stage could not get any better this year we can announce that Louisa Johnson will be performing. Louisa was the youngest winner of television’s X Factor at the age of 17 and we are delighted that she will be joining Judge Jules, Scouting for Girls, street dancers Twist and Pulse, local lad Alfie Sheard, Nineties Music Experience and Ryan Taylor with more acts being lined up. The Rock Stage will have performances from The Outcharms, Himalayas, Hearing Colour, Desperate Journalist, Last of the Wonder Kids, The Feds and Andrew Victor Wood. Tickets can be purchased from Castlegate Cards, Tickhill, SJ Grooming, Sunderland Street, Rod and Reel, High Street, Bawtry and Bawtry Memorial Sports Ground, South Parade. You can see all the details on the t-fest.co.uk website.”

TRAFFIC SPEED CONCERN: Don Valley Member of Parliament Nick Fletcher, whose constituency office is on Castlegate, responded to the concerns expressed by Tickhill folk regarding speeding traffic on Doncaster Road. Mr Fletcher said: “I have been contacted by concerned constituents in Tickhill about the dangerous speeding traffic. Residents are concerned about how fast vehicles are coming into and out of the town. There are parked cars here on Doncaster Road and children about. It is a hot spot. The speed limits are here to protect us all. I will be talking to Doncaster Council to get a speed camera out here. I appeal to drivers to adhere to the speed limits and to drive safely. Lets not have any accidents and just slow down.”   

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CHURCH ELECTION RESULTS: The annual meeting of Parishioners and the Annual Parochial Church Meeting that was held on Monday, May 23 St Mary’s Parish Church saw the election of officials. John Marsden and Joan Nathan continue as Churchwardens and they are joined in the role by Philip Beavers who is also the Parochial Church Council secretary. Lay Members of the Parochial Council elected were: Peter Chapell, David Horrigan, Hazel Horrigan, Jenny Hosker, John Hosker, Louise Johnson, Shirley McCarthy, David Morley, Ernest Towner and Nigel Wright.

RAFFLE JUST THE TICKET: The raffle that was held at the Queen Elizabeth 11 Platinum Jubilee Party in the Car Park at The Travellers Rest, Westgate was successful in raising money that will be divided between the Tickhill Scout and Guide Group, that is looking to put a new roof on their St Mary’s Road headquarters, and Tickhill Community Hub, Northgate who will each receive £250. Well known Tickhill resident Linda Mayes drew the raffle tickets out of the hat in the Castlegate Cards shop where she works and unclaimed prizes can be collected from Castlegate Cards, Castlegate. A spokesperson for The Travellers Rest said: “A massive thank you to all of the businesses and individuals that so kindly and generously donated raffle prizes. The raffle raise just shy of £500 and an anonymous cash donation was given to make up the funds to £500. Many thanks to all of you for taking part, the community spirit in Tickhill is thriving and we are so proud to be a part of the town. Wishing you all the very best.”

WRITE ON: There is an opportunity to become a member of the Tickhill Writers’ Group. Two vacancies have become available to join the friendly light hearted group that meets every Wednesday morning. Hilary Shields and Janice Hampton founded Tickhill Writers’ over 45 years ago as a group of creative writers some of which are published authors. Their meetings take place in the homes of members in rotation. The usual format involves taking turns to set a topic to be written in the group and then for homework another subject is suggested which involves a more carefully constructed piece of work. Both items are then discussed and evaluated. Members who have a larger work in progress are able to bring sections along or help. On occasions a guest speaker or author is invited along to inspire and help members. Sometimes theatre visits are arranged. Periodically the group is invited to perform their work at local groups and organisations. Hilary can be contacted on 01302 742487 for more information about Tickhill Writer’s Group.

IN THE PICTURE: The local painters and craft workers that make up Tickhill Art Group are giving artistic residents the opportunity to become a member of the group that is comprised of complete novices to almost professional level artists. Anyone that is looking to develop their skills and enhance their knowledge of all forms of art can go along to the weekly Thursday morning gatherings that are held in the Scout and Guide headquarters, St Mary’s Road from 10am to 12.30pm. Their work is enhanced from time to time by workshops that are led by visiting professional artists. Pam can be contacted for more information on 01302 744508.

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CHURCH MAGAZINE NEEDS YOU: A new Advertising Co-ordinator is needed for the popular St Mary’s Parish Church monthly magazine. David Miller has carried out the important work for many years and he is now looking to retire and pass on the vital role to a younger person. The proceeds from the magazine help to support the Grade 1 listed building that is St Mary’s Parish Church. It is not possible to produce the magazine without the financial support of many local businesses and organisations that buy advertising space within its pages. David is willing to explain the various tasks that are necessary to complete the job of Advertising Co-ordinator. This voluntary role is not a full time commitment and the work is mainly carried out in July and August each year and it is not necessary to be a churchgoer to take up this rewarding assignment. Elaine Millard on 01302 743842 or David Miller on 01302 742657 can be contacted for more information.  

PRIDE OF LIONS: Long Service Awards have been presented to a number of proud members of Tickhill and District Lions Club. Lions District Commissioner Dave Wilson handed over the well-deserved awards to Bryan Kilvington (40 years), John Hill (43 years), Stuart Allen (15 years), Kevin Pritchard (15 years) and Duncan Donald (35 years).

BIG LUNCH VOLUNTEERS THANKED: A spokesperson from Tickhill Town Council has paid tribute to the volunteers that freely gave their time to organise The Queen Elizabeth 11 Big Platinum Jubilee Lunch that unfortunately had to be cancelled due to the wet weather. The volunteers included Cllr Helen Cork, Brian Keith, Amanda Peck, Maxine Gravill, Cllr Anita Johnson, Paula Thomas, Jane White, Lion Ron Lindsay, Lion Bryan Kilvington, Margaret Sheridan, Katy Moss, Michelle Dunn, Cllr Nigel Cannings, Philip and Cllr Mrs Denise Dawson, Matt Wood and John Marsden.   

SUSAN LEADS: Susan Lee leads members of Tickhill and District Footpath Group on their weekly walk on Monday, June 20. The party meets adjacent to the Buttercross monument at 7pm before striding out over the paths and tracks to the nearby village of Stainton.  

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BAWTRY GARDEN CLUB: There was an excellent turn out of members at the June meeting of the Bawtry Garden Club, The green fingered ladies and gentlemen were treated to an enlightening talk by Don Witton on Euphorbias and Vibrant Perennials. Don covered the bright and colourful spectrum of perennials from the Hellebores of early spring right through to the autumn colour of the Chrysanthemums. He also has a passion for Euphorbias and holds the National Collection on his allotment garden near Worksop. He is a very knowledgeable gentleman indeed. At the next meeting of Bawtry Garden Club on Tuesday, July 5 there will be an afternoon trip to Morton Nursery in Babworth near Retford. There is to be a guided tour of the Nursery followed by refreshments. Members requiring further information should please contact Chairperson Sylvia on 01302 719015.  There is no Tuesday meeting in August. On Tuesday, September 6 the club is holding an in-house fruit and vegetable show.


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