Police warn ‘be on your guard’ after burglary spate

A SPATE of burglaries has prompted police to warn members of the public to be “on their guard” and ensure that their properties are secure.

Six homes, four commercial premises and two garages were allegedly burgled in a series of incidents across the borough on Monday (14) and Tuesday (15) morning.

A police spokeswoman revealed that a quarter of the incidents took place in Todwick, adding: “members of the public are being warned to be on their guard.”

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Various methods were used to gain entry to the properties raided during the twelve-hour flurry of thefts.

In one case a rear door was forced while, in another, the barrel of a door lock was broken.

Offenders also attacked one door with a hammer, smashed a rear window and levered a kitchen window open.

In one of the incidents entry was gained through an insecure window.

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DCI Dave Stopford, who is in charge of investigations into the various burglaries, said: “Police would like to remind residents to ensure that their doors and windows are secure.

“Check that windows are closed and locked, and that doors are securely locked, before leaving the house and before going to bed.

“A burglar can easily crawl through an open window, and can be in and out of your home in seconds if a door is left unlocked. Please help to stop these criminals in their tracks.”

He added that the quality of locks should be checked as some locks — especially those on uPVC doors — can be snapped by criminals.

Anyone with any information on burglaries should contact South Yorkshire Police by dialling the force’s non-emergency number, 101.