PCSO support squad supporting Rotherham crime victims

ELDERLY residents left feeling vulnerable after becoming victims of crime have been getting support and advice from police.

Police Community Support Officers Michelle Marsh, Jacqui Millward and Joy Levelle visited a 73-year-old woman who had been the victim of an attempted burglary on Fleming Way, Flanderwell, and a 68-year-old woman on Malwood Way, Maltby, who had jewellery stolen in a raid on her home.

They offered both victims support and crime prevention advice and listened to their concerns.

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PCSO Millward said: “Providing re-assurance to victims of crime is a vital part of our role.

“Follow-on support to victims who have suffered crime is comforting and provides a personal touch.

“Many are elderly, vulnerable and some live alone with little or no support within the community.”

PCSO Millward added: “If our visits make people feel safer in their homes and enhances their quality of life, it’s a job well done.”