Man suffers mystery head injuries in Dinnington

A MAN is in a “critical condition” in hospital after sustaining mystery head injuries in Dinnington.

Detectives are investigating how the 52-year-old came to suffer the “life-threatening” wounds.

He was found injured early last Wednesday, December 2, in Addison Square, near its junction with New Street.

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Det Insp Mark Monteiro said: “At this time, the circumstances surrounding this man’s injuries remains unclear.

“We must keep an open mind while we carry out some initial enquiries.”

He added: “We will be sending letters to local residents, asking them if they saw or heard anything suspicious or unusual in the area between midnight and 4am.

“We’d also be very keen to hear from anyone who might have CCTV cameras that cover this area, as we try to piece together what happened.”

Anyone with information is urged to call police on 101 or email [email protected], quoting incident 67 of December 2.

Alternatively, call Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.